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Posts posted by rlg

  1. I spoke too fast--it seems I don't know how to put the circles.


    I can make them appear, but not control them. The size looks fine then slides into another size and position. I tried using the shift key but that appeared to make it worse.


    My hands are really  unsteady sometimes (I have neuropathy) I know that, but still and all. I looked up the US Seal and it's surrounded by a gold ring--that I can never do!--and a green one it looks like. But I can't even guess the right size for the brush.


    If I can just get the control, I can play with the color.


    Dare I say, Help? Or will I get thrown off?



  2. Before I go any further, I want to say how in awe I am of what you all can do with PDN! It astounds me, and also embarrasses me that I'm so bad at it. So I have to keep repeating my new mantra: but you have other talents. . .


    Also I want to thank Scooter, BoltBait, and Pixey for their patience, good eyes and advice. I changed my fonts to be easier to read.


    Now I've made up a Seal of Souterrain--no not the animal, the insigna. And I need a frame to set it off.


    So how would I make a plain circle to surround it? Hopefully manually, since I don't do plug-ins. I know my limits.


    I'm still fighting the half-circle of letters surrounding a round picture (the seal) or I'd show you, but it's kinda like the globe with letters around it that you often see, that I need to inclose in an outer "frame".


    Thank you for always getting me there, poor as my results may be. If I had a tenth of your talent, I'd have such great covers, I'd be a best selling author! 



  3. Thanks, Pixey. I managed to do it the "Englishman" 's way. One letter at a time in code yet--then realized I'd used English when it's supposedly in Old French.


    So tomorrow I'll do it right. Takes me a really long time, but at least as I wanted, I'm doing it by meself [as two year olds say!]


    I see you list FL as where you live. You made it?



  4. Thank you, Fuzzy. I couldn't understand all he said--British-type accent but sounds more like I think Australian or New Zealand may--at any rate, he didn't show anything but layers. But I think he used the lasso selection and pixel mover. At any rate, that's what I'll try.


    Although my very early version of PDN has a curving tool. And as I said, I could get the points where I wanted them, but couldn't seem to apply the curve to the text.

  5. Thank you, Scooter. I changed the font. Don' like it as well because I forgot how I got rid of the gray background on emboss so had to go with just thickening the font.


    I tried to post the rough result--think I'll straighten out the spacing and make the Volume font smaller, but anyway ...


    Wish I could remember what I did to give the effect of embossing while using Stylize--Relief, but I don't.


  6. First Ego--thank you. I had done the select and used the move tool, but I couldn't move the words--just using the little dots move parts that left the checkerboard behind. So now i'll use the arrows!


    BoltBait--you're so sweet to offer a suggestion but you may as well have asked if I use some Astroparticle physics!  'Fraid I don't know what a vector is--an editor, yes--a vector editor have no idea.


    But thank you anyway. I was flattered that you didn't really think I'm as big a klutz as I know I am--about certain things and this unfortunately is one of them.



  7. EGO  (always nice when a good-looking guy admits to what he is at heart!  :) )


    Can you please answer what I asked in another post that wasn't seen? I guess. Is there any way to move/set text words closer to each other--without such a wide space between them?


    One letter at a time would be excruciatingly painful! The words are in a code font that goes back to normal at the slightest variant in text--such as a comma even.


    I looked for a font setting that might dictate spacing between words but couldn't find it. As to your new plug in--HTML, I know what that is (not how to work It!) Java I think I know but CSS??


    You always help me solve my some what unusual questions--I hope you can do the same for me now.



  8. scooter, I've been away from here also. It locks me out everytime I try to log in--just now after only 2 tries it locked me out for 14 min.


    If they want me gone that badly all they had to do was say so. :(


    At any rate, since I'm here. I had no idea the second S looked so much like a G! Lord the covers I now have to redo! But they are for Kindle not print, and I do want a fancier font. I thought maybe Cardiff. I hate having to redo four covers! At any rate, I had managed to jazz up the fonts with a red top line, the second in white, and the third back to red again. And I used something whose name I forget that kinda gave it an inflated look.


    I'll try to attach it. I think it looks pretty good.


    Now for why I came on here: Is there anyway to control the distance between letters in the text mode. My words are too far apart for the font I'm using--plus where I want to put them.


    I'll appreciate any help---as long as they'll quit locking me out and I can get back on here.


    And the word is "Souterrain"--underground--not Gouterrain :)




    Now it won't upload the cover I wanted to show you. Aiee-yah-ya!

  9. I hope that topic line passes the rules. I didn't use "help," but that's what I need from your suggestions.


    I have a title for a book that needs improving and all I know how to do is from the earliest version of PDN (or close to it). But even though most of you have the newest version, I figure the old version is built-in enough that you can help if you will.


    I can do the one color on top of the other kinda 3-d (Welll, didn't I say I need help? :) ) but I need the title to really grab 'ya.


    The background is a usgs pic of a volcano venting steam (or whatever volcanos vent) so basically the background is in browns and black with several white plumes. I used red for the title because I tried other colors and that appeared best. But not very exciting and really doesn't catch your attention too well. I used Ballade font that is rather intricate but fits the atmosphere/setting of what is essentially a parody.


    So if anyone would, could you point me in an easy direction for jazzing it up without add-ins, if possible. I'm really a writer not an artist of any stripe, so it has to be simple.


    Thank you.



    ps. I wanted to upload the cover but am not sure how or even if it's allowed.


  10. Rick, no need to worry. Replies like MJW's just show what the poster is, and not what I am.


    Noob, I didn't leave a border but I think what might have been the problem is that the website host's site settings are overriding mine. At any rate, I finally got it to fit close enough for me. As a real novice at all this even yet, I'm satisfied when I can come close even without the cigar.


    Thanks to you and Rick for replies.



  11. I'm trying to design and build a website using a re-done template and my photos didn't fit in the space I had. So I tried using their image editor and finally got the size on the first photo (actually a book cover not a photograph)--at any rate I got it right.


    But then the second time I tried, I used pdn to resize. I used exactly the same pixel h X w, but when I put it on the template it was smaller than the first one even though the numbers were exactly the same: 250 w X 400 h.


    So what did I do wrong?




    O yeah--I used 300 dpi on both

  12. The truth is that I found a picture to use for a cover but I had to download it to a .doc instead of to my pictures file. From there I somehow finally got it pasted into pdn but it is really washed out in colors. I tried to make the contrast do the trick but it didn't. I also tried to lessen the brightness but that too failed.


    I just wondered what to use to "cure" the faded colors. They weren't faded in the original.


    Is there some opacity enters into it?


    Thank you for any help you can give me. Scott makes things so easy; hopefully he will answer. Or anyone else.



    That's paste not past! :(

  13. I tried to make a cover and got as far as using select and the pixel tool and right clicking to angle it, but when I tried to get on with it, the box formed when I selected it, then switched to the pixel tool stayed.


    Nothing I could do would remove it. When I left clicked and held the button down, it disappeared. But as soon as I let the button go--it came back.


    What did I do wrong and how can I fix it? My program is one of the older ones of PDN. If that matters.





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