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Posts posted by rlg

  1. I don't know if anyone else uses or has used this font, but it was sent to me by a 'friend' who unknowingly I'm certain didn't realize it has a virus attached.


    As most of you know, I'm a novice at a lot of this so I never have done more than run scans for security--beyond what my security programs do automatically. So today is the first time I ever checked my history. And there it was big as life.


    It had been quarantined so they say it is no threat, but I deleted it anyway. And tried to reach my friend to warn her but can't get through to her email.


    At any rate, thought it couldn't hurt to mention it on here.



  2. Cc4etc.


    I replied last night but it didn't post. However, no matter how hard I try, I still can't get it right. There is white I want out but unfortunately even at 2 the magic wand removes too much.


    And the house darkens but never goes as transparent as the apple shows--almost with whatever blend I try.


    Apparently I'm doing something wrong. But it's too much for me, so I guess I'll just forget using the house.


    Thanks however for all your trying to help!

  3. Okay, I'm lost. I know I want to use the overlay in blending. But how do I put the overlay image on the background image?


    Do I have to cut and paste it onto the background as just the apple? Or do I somehow put the apple on its own background and do the transparency thing there? What I mean is how do I get the apple to be on its own transparent background prior to moving it to the top of the background layer?


    I sure wish someone would take pity on me and list the proper steps to take. Please...

  4. Thank you, Ishi--a lot!


    But one thing I don't understand about the magic wand and delete--You said: "You may have to adjust the tolerance if the selection would flood some parts of the image you want to be untouched."  Which image?  The under-layer of the flag? Or something on the background layer? But if I delete it first? That sounds like a wrong sequence. To me, at least.


    I warned you I was pretty bad at pdn--but I keep trying to figure it out! And I much appreciate your helping me.

  5. November brings falling leaves. Well pdn's bare branch is back. Translated: I need help again.


    Is it possible for someone as inexperienced as I am to make an image transparent?


    Here's the thing: I'd like a solid color background with the first layer covering the entire canvas to be transparent.


    I want to put a blue background with (and now you know why I want it transparent!) the Confederate flag overlying it.


    It's for a cover of a book I'm contemplating called tentatively: UNTOLD STORIES from UNKNOWN VOICES. and it will be first person narratives, or bits thereof, from actual people living during the Civil War. And I'm selecting what may be the only things left about the "Civil" war that no longer has anything very civil about it. :)


    I do not want an in-your-face cover, thus the transparency. Or do y'all think that is a bad idea? Even if I knew what I was doing?


    My gratitude.



  6. As always, thanks. But I have another problem that I don't think has to do with memory--although I did have lots of files minimized.


    Here's the thing: I finally got almost what I wanted with the narrow border on the cross then superimposed on another cross. BUT I made a mistake that I can cover with a either rectangular or oval (big oval :) ) white box/medallion.


    Only I used the rectangular selection tool and it made the box all right. Then I tried the paint can and then a brush but nothing I did would get it to fill with white over the red and blue of the flags. I changed the primary color by using the hex #s. It just wouldn't work.


    I also noticed that where I'd superimposed the flags when I tried to put text, it went under the top cross not on top! Boy, leave it to me to approach the finish line then trip and fall flat.


    If you can spare the time to help me do the rectangle filled with white thing, then I can hope the text will go into that and not hide under the cross.


    If not, Hello, Fiverr! {Probably be better all around anyway. I'm just a stubborn old lady.}



  7. Pixey I appreciate your help, but I'm trying to put a white border/frame about what? 1" around the cross. Also I rotated it so it runs north and south :) So am I right in that maybe the fill tool isn't needed?


    Then too that's just half of my problem. After I get the cross the way I need it, I want to superimpose it on another flag's image.


    I may be a klutz on graphics but you gotta give me this: I'm an ambitious one!



  8. HyReZ, thanks for taking the time to reply, but you have it backwards. The photo is already sepia and I wanted to color it.


    However that's moot now since I'm tying another route.


    Pixey, your rose is lovely. Thank you. But now--I'm trying to take a Cross of St. George (I think that's the cross--the big one on the British flag) that I have as red on a white background. Luckily I need the white for the "band" around the cross. So I tried to crop the cross leaving a white border. Well, the only way I could find to do it was to cut the cross in sections and crop each section. It worked fine, EXCEPT now I have the two "banded" sections as background and can't put them together!


    I used layering after I cropped the first one to crop the second but it made two principal parts.


    So will you please--or somebody please--tell me how to crop the cross so that some of the white background stays around it as trim but it's not in two pieces that I can't put back together. Humpty Dumpty has nothing on me! And I can't hand draw the selection because of my less than steady hands.


    Many thanks.


  9. Thank you both Pixie and Sand but I'm afraid I'm still at PDN 1 or maybe 2 level only. I guess my first step should be to download ver. 4?


    I can get the photo I want to do something with colored for $100 an hour! And this for a $4 no royalty photo. Hardly think that makes sense. Maybe I should try another route. Any suggestions as to how to give the sepia [althought it really looks more gray than brown] some life? As I said I can do the title in bright colors but without trying it out, I don't guess I'll know if all that does is wash the background out even more.


    This novel has really been a killer. Just the reseach alone...And the structure. And now finding something for the cover. It's set in 1863 and tentatively titled : Intrepid Tourist. So I had to have a hoop skirted lady, preferably in a traveling outfit, but this is as near as I could come--and afford! And unfortunately it's sepia.


    Sorry I bothered you by asking advice when I'm such a klutz at PdN.



  10. Well I'm back. The biggest amateur with the craziest questions. :)


    I want to use a sepia photo for the background of a book cover. But it is so Blah that I wanted to try to give it some interest.


    I can handle the text and use the bright colors there, but it really needs help.


    So can one [me] still taking baby steps after all this time, do anything easy to jazz up the background photo?


    Thank you.



  11. Here's the thing: I used layers and they looked fine. But as David has said it's better to start large and work down. I didn't.


    So when I went to save it as jpg I saw immediately that the two colors I was using--one super-imposed on the other--were not quite where I thought they were.


    So, okay, with layers all I had to do was go to the right layer and move it, right? Well wrong, because although I got to the right layer and got the 'cursor' for text to show, it wouldn't move the text on that layer.


    So what did I do wrong? I can always delete that layer--guess not. It also deleted the background as well. Thing is, I had saved it as .pdn first before I went back and started to do the .jpg. Could that have caused it?


    You gotta give me credit for stubborn.  A wet-ears, maybe, but a tenacious one! So if I have to start all over again, I will.


  12. Thanks, Pixey. I followed your instructions although it showed I had already said I wanted to follow this thread or whatever. So now under my name it has 2, instead of 1. I don't care of it has 12 as long as I get the notifications!! :) If not, I'll just have to keep checking it manually.

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