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Posts posted by rlg

  1. I thank you. Pixey, I tried to get Sarkuts gold whatever at the bottom of his tut, but the click took me to pdnfans. And I tried to log in with my pdn id and of course couldn't. But my question is, do you think I could use it to make the letters gold?


    I want to explain again: I'm working on two covers here--one the diamond sunburst [that the star is for], the other gold letters to put on the spine of the codex cover that you helped me with by cleaning up and pasting the center jewel. I'm sure you remember.


    But I'm having a foul time doing either. The jeweled sunburst image is too blurry; can't come up with a way to make gold letters for the codex spine.


    Maybe I should just give it a rest.

  2. MJW--I'm ready to give up--which I guess most people on here are glad to hear as few other than you and Pixey have tried to help.


    Pixey, I suppose by upload the star, you mean to go to open file? If so, it goes to background, so that can't be what you mean. And as for copy and paste I guess I could again use MS Paint to copy from. Other than that, I'm lost. The image is too blurry anyway and there is an automatic way to partially de-blur it online, I ran it once and the center stone looks some better. Maybe I should just run the copies that are somewhat better through again and again and will eventually have a clean image! :)


    MJW--the gold in that tut looks silver or platinum to me. I'd already checked it out, but thank you. As for Pixey's bling tut. I think she would have suggested it, if she thought it would work.


    Again I appreciate what you two have tried to do.



  3. I guess I misspoke. My new computer has fonts--just not "my" fonts that I'd uploaded. Dafont is a great site for free fonts and luckily for me, I had the fonts in my download folder. But the right font is important, but the GOLD is more so.


    Thanks for all your replies. There is something awry with my computer and my son is coming to look at it and fix it. Hopefully it will also fix the problem with my copy/paste!


    Please someone who know how to do gold font--is pdnoob still around??--give me an unexpected Mom's Day present...

  4. As I'm sure I'm proving, I'm really at a loss on this stuff. My image size doesn't say large, but then also it depends on the font I guess. I thought I'd put the title on the spine and did a few tries. Thing is when you upload to Kindle it's usually 1600X2500 for the cover and they size it correctly for them. I've been trying to use 600X800 and then dragging it larger if I think it looks better. This is the first time enlarging it caused it to get so blurry. Computer or me?


    I wonder about this new computer anyway--it isn't saving as it should. Luckily I can find what I want on the search on the start button, but it's strange--to say the least--not to find a file I just saved unless I go to that button.


    I lost my fonts as I said, and I think I had Palatino. I'll check for the Biondi. I've been playing around with Dumbledore Wide I. I wanted an ecclesiastical type but I see it's Roman I was after! Thanks.

    Earwig Factory is a new one on me!

  5. MJW, I want to say that I accomplished the copy/paste by going to MS Paint [!] for the image of the diamond in order to get it to paste into pdn! Weird, but it worked and I don't care how or why.


    Also is there an easy way to get the picture to be less blurry, sharper? I saw something on YouTube about an unsharpen mask but at the end of it, he said you had to reduce the image size. Great when why did I increase it if I would now have to reduce it??


    About the gold text, I think probably 144 for the font, but it would depend. So anywhere from 108 to whatever follows 144--190 something I think. And I want the gilt effect not just shiny medal. What I'd like to do is put the text "Code-X" on the attached cover, in the manner that the cover designer did the new book "The Fifth Gospel." I like the way the title seems to float over the book. But then I'd have to try it to really see--and I'll have to find a sorta matching font to theirs. If possible.


    Thanks for sticking with me--and what Frenchman worth his snails wouldn't prefer wine?? Beer? I'm not so sure. :)


    It wouldn't attach the pic again and I used jpeg. I'll try one more time so you can see what I want to use the gold on

  6. The image is either 24.8 Kb or 28 depending on its location--so said its properties. I'm using Windows 7; and I haven't had any occasion to try the other sites you mentioned.


    Also while I have one problem--I thought I had directions for gold letters but in the crash I guess I lost them. Had not backed them up as I didn't several of my better fonts. But those I can just go find and download again--except for the gold letters. Know where I might find help there. The tutorial on here won't work for me. Is there such a thing as a simple way to do it?


    I'm going to try what Scott suggested and see if I can post them that way. Hopefully it will work.


    Something weird about the diamond. It wouldn't flatten or rather didn't.


    Also the diamond is supposed to be almost as large as the Cullinan in England's Scepter in the Crown Jewels and the sunburst about four and one-half inches in diameter. So it has to be a large image or look like it is.





  7. Thank you, MJW. I first open pdn and go to recent files and click on the sunburst, which loads onto the canvas.


    Then I tried the same thing with the diamond and it too loaded separately on the canvas.


    So then I went to open file and got the diamond and right clicked copy, then went to the pdn and tried to paste, but it said my file was too big for the clipboard.


    And several times I tried different pastes--both to another layer as well at just plain paste. Nada.


    Thing is, I'd really thought I was getting the hang of it before all the horror with my last computer started. I made my main cover for a new book and even used several of the effects to good effect! :)  But now it seems I can't do a simple cut and paste. Or get the two files to both be layers separately.


    Or for that matter, upload them here. Very depressing. Not to mention frustrating.

  8. I don't know what's wrong but I am trying to put this (raspberry diamond image) on this (sunburst image) and cannot seem to get it either to copy/paste or to merge since I can't also seem to get the diamond on a layer above the sunburst layer. It just stays on the canvas.


    All baby stuff when you know how, so I'm really getting frustrated and depressed. First I took my computer in to be fixed and their "fix" killed it, then I've spent days trying to get the new computer loaded with my back up external drive that won't let me do it without going through a long tap dance--even with WD's tech help.


    And now to try--and I did once but did it wrong I guess--to load the images.


    Did I mention I could use help??




    Error message: I'm not allowed to upload this kind of file! It's a pdn--both of them--not allowed to upload pdn files on pdn????

  9. I did that, Pixey. All of it. And it didn't post either as reply or post.


    Back on my pdn. I tried copy/paste and got the message that the image was too large for my clipboard--but couldn't find the size of the clipboard. The image is 28.0 kb on the hard drive and 24.8 kp on the clipboard. Hardly seems excessive.


    And I will kick my desk and start a new thread per you and Medora's request--and good sense.

  10. My Lord, Scott, but we do go back far together! Once Upon a Place has been edited twice and now is Dangerous Secret 2nd Edition. However, I'm now having a problem that appears to be of my own making (when with pdn isn't it??). I'm trying to get the jewel in the center of the sunburst. But I can' seem to get the jewel to be another layer. It keeps becoming it's own canvas and not a layer of the sunburst canvas. (I'm sure the terminology is wrong but you know what I'm trying to say.)


    I'll try to post the two objects and maybe you'll help?? Please--someone! please...The raspberry diamond is the center stone; the sunburst is the basis of what I'm trying to accomplish.


    Somehow to reach the attachment it appears I replied and so posted twice. Please excuse.



  11. According to Steve's first book, PDN was "born" on May 6, 2004. So congratulations on coming so very far in eleven years! Far enough that I can't even read the *postings* any more  ;0 [vector this vector that].


    Wonder what the next eleven years will bring? I very probably will not be around to celebrate it but think of all of us that you sent on our way to learning and creating--even just in baby steps.


    Thanks--even when I'm crying in frustration. :)



    • Upvote 1
  12. Agent Goodspeed,


    Here we are almost exactly a month later! Happy Easter!


    May I have your permission to use the "sample" you made for my cover of one of the episodes of my book?


    I'll be very glad to give you credit--only I'll need your real name to use for the copyright. You can send me a private message if you'd like instead of publicly replying on here.




  13. When I take an 1600 x 2500 pixel image at 300ppi and resize it to 600 X 800, shouldn't the image get smaller?


    Then why when I try to put it on a larger background, is it still larger than the background?


    Obviously, I'm doing something wrong. Actually trying to superimpose the smaller on the larger won't even work. I cannot get the smaller on to copy and then when I think I have, it shows a transparent background rather than the colored background I thought I'd pasted it on!


    Here's what I get for the two differing sizes--the first supposedly being the larger, the second the smaller.


    The properties say they're different, but they *look* the same in trying to work with them.


    Help, please!





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