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Roly Poly Goblinoli

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Roly Poly Goblinoli last won the day on September 7 2022

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    Art of all kinds! Free expression, being kind, music, and mineral collecting

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  1. Hi Grogula, thanks so much for your appreciation! I created a ko-fi for donations here, if you'd like! Nope, you're not! This is possible because I can manipulate pixels arbitrarily, in this case based on the Y position of the brush image. I could make a gradient lerp of the current palette to make it more controllable, and I could have other pixel ops for variation, though I worry a little about how delicate that code would be. A more generic way of modulating the brush texture with another one is a pattern mask. Meanwhile, you can sort of get what you want by using a brush image and high brush stroke density, but the main bottleneck is that there's no brush smoothing or smoothing of mouse rotation. It's way too hard for users since you can't get the "right" curves without drawing fast, or the angle will be based on two points very close to each other, producing a bad result: Brush smoothing is something I plan on addressing in general, and I will also address it in other areas like mouse rotation, which will make this more possible. Here's the brush image I tested with, if you find it helpful: Currently, I'm working on LUA-scripted brushes, which already works but needs polish, and multi-texture brushes so that you can combine those to make lots of very good brushes you can't do yet in Dynamic Draw. Clever use of scripting with multi-point symmetry might be able to help with this effect you're asking for a lot more.
  2. I've updated that and the wiki...phew! It took all day to do the wiki, but I've updated it to match version 4.0! I hope people actually read that
  3. Version 4.0 released There's been no development for a little over a year (besides trying to update a bit), but in the meantime there's no reason not to release the changes I have. At worst, I'm adding a clone stamp and line tool that might be unstable. The line tool does seem stable, the clone stamp can crash if you place the clone stamp partially off-canvas and if you also draw partially off-canvas (both at the same time). And the line and clone stamp tools might not be pixel perfect, but all updates included this is much better than before. These are the major changes I was doing before I got caught up in everything else.
  4. Dynamic Draw isn't especially good as an exact tool (lines, curves, ellipses, other shapes). You can use the full-square brush and jagged smoothing for the best bet on avoiding aliasing. Otherwise, try ribbon brushes in firealpaca which is an alt free software, there isn't much else that I know of that would do this. And I'm not sure it's going to be exact on a pixel level, but it might be, it depends on how strong the distortion is
  5. No. You 100% understand what's happening with the math, but it's not about a bug in the math. I keep raising bugs that are very clearly against user expectation that are being considered non-issues because either it was unexpected and you don't think it's an issue, or because there's a workaround. A user can't be expected to predict or understand why a very common target rotation results in blur, especially when the repro steps are specific. But it will occur often too. This is definitively bugged because there is no way this is acceptable to a user. It should be special-cased so that rotations do not do this. And while it happens when the selection is odd in one or two dimensions, it doesn't happen if you correct them by as little as 1px to make it even. How would an average user discover that? It's not expected, it has a bad effect on the program, and it's demonstrably going to happen to someone. I don't know why you can't repro the steps so I'm curious what exactly you did, but I guess first you have to consider this a bug and if you don't, I don't think I need to raise any future ones.
  6. Expected results In PDN v5.0.13, rotating a selection by exactly 90 degrees should never result in blurring due to rotation, because this is achievable in all cases through basic matrix translation. Actual results In PDN v5.0.13, rotating a selection which is (1) Not square, and (2) has a width and/or height which is not divisible by two results in blurry rotations. Exact Repro steps 1. Open paint.net version 5.0.13 (latest) 2. Select the line tool at line thickness 1, this is the most visible 3. Draw a line any way you want 4. Make a selection including the line and make sure at least one of the dimensions is not divisible by two 5. Press M and hold shift while rotating to make sure it's exactly at 90 degrees. This will result in blurring If the bounding box has an even width and height, the result is not blurred. This is definitely bug behavior.
  7. You sound very new, so here's how paint.net works: https://www.getpaint.net/doc/latest/MainWindow.html Your image is centered (#5) The main menu is at the top (#2) Tools and your selected tool are at left (#6) Tool options for the selected tool are below main menu (#3) The tooltip at the bottom tells you how to use your selected tool and which keys you can hold down to make it do different things (#10). This one is super important when you're learning how to use paint.net! Try each tool to see what it does. Read about it in the documentation if you're curious! You can find answers to everything there, but it can be a bit too comprehensive if you're completely new. Feel free to look up Youtube stuff, too. I'm sure there's some tutorials on paint.net out there. Have fun!
  8. You can draw on a new layer and change the layer's opacity, then merge it down. Or you can use Overwrite mode with your desired brush opacity; it won't "stack" that way. You could also try the Dynamic Draw plugin which has support for this type of tablet behavior (though it doesn't use Windows Ink, so you might need to actually change your tablet settings to use it; fair warning)
  9. Minor (unfortunate) update After some attempts and lots of frustration, I don't have the time or know-how to update this plugin for newer versions of Paint.Net. I know a lot of people do like to use this plugin; if there's features you love, request them in Paint.net itself so Rick knows. Of course, it's still open source and if anyone wants to bring it up to date, feel free! I will merge your request as long as it works. Fair warning, I began this plugin long before I nailed down good programming patterns, and it's a bit of a tangle (keep in touch with me if you make significant progress, I'll help test and fix things I can). I just don't have lots of time anymore, either and that's reducing my ability to work on things like this. Sorry!
  10. Yep, it looks wonky to me but if it's intended, it's fine by me. Marking as solution
  11. The selection bounds should be snapped to the nearest pixel after scaling. For non-uniform lines, it's only the start and ends of them which should be snapped to the nearest pixel, although that might cause the angle to display slightly incorrectly in terms of how it's actually handled. But that's much more subtle and expected than this effect. In both cases, it's not the biggest deal to me, but I wanted to highlight this in case it hasn't been considered.
  12. Nah, using a .bat is harder than clicking browse tbh
  13. You can work around this probably if you right click paint.net -> Run as Administrator
  14. You can get the pixels for translation based on the position info it gives in the toolbar, though you need to do the mental arithmetic. You can mostly get the rotation with that info too (it says the angle). The scaling is the hardest to compute, you might need to pull out a calculator to deal with that. Paint.net is a useful tool but it's not intended to be like CAD or Blender with exact translations. I think that's probably out of scope (I can't speak on behalf of course)
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