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Posts posted by mackenzieh

  1. Hi, 


    I was wondering if it was possible to create a filmstrip combine script or tutorial. 


    What I'm looking for is this:








    With the script if that is at all possible, I was wondering if it could do something like this:


    One script with 2 options: 
    Option 1: 
    Takes a few layers of 1 photo and performs these options: multiple video grabbing frames stitched together, color toning, desaturation, multiple copies of a layer, copies with different brightness/contrast all at once. 
    And This:
    Option 2: Takes 1 photo being made into a filmstrip then rotates the image and slices the photo diagonally. 
    Is it possible to create a script like this? Sidenote, the images aren't mine.. just examples. 
  2. If I made it so Paint.NET could load plugins without a restart, I'd just have it happen automatically.


    Refresh buttons are automatically a broken end-user experience. If you need the user to fix things, you're doing it wrong.


    But wouldn't it be easier to have that option than to just load the plugin, and then to shut down the program completely and restart it again? 

  3. is it possible to have a refresh button on the next update? I ask because maybe the button could be useful. Let's say if you add a new effect or file type to the program and you want to see it loaded while PDN is open. Instead of shutting down the program completely, you can hit refresh and hopefully see the effect or file type in the list.  

  4. I was wondering if there are any tutorials on how to make a wordpress theme from scratch with Paint.net? I've looked around on the internet and I came up empty. I think it would be interesting in knowing how to create a theme with this program even if it's not a full on tutorial with HTML and CSS included. 

  5. A what??


    A film strip combine plugin would do these steps


    Step 1 - grab the images from the video. 

    Step 2 - Assemble the images horizontally.

    Step 3 - Duplicate the image strip twice.

    Step 4 - recolor and/or retone the copies.


    to then produce an image like this:



    I just thought that since I'm not a coder that maybe a plugin could be created. I checked the plugin index and there was not a plugin like what have described in the index

  6. Hi, 


    I was wondering if there was a plugin to create something like this: 



    If not, would anyone be willing to create one? 


    What I'm looking for the plugin to do is take an image, create a multiple video grab stitched together with color toning, desaturation,  multiple copies of the layer, copies of the layer with brightness/contrast all done at once. 


    I have attached the images to the post. 


    If this is in the wrong place, please feel free to remove it. 








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