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Posts posted by mackenzieh

  1. 3 hours ago, Pixey said:

    Yes, this is happening to me too - but you really need to post the problem in the Plugin Browser thread here:


    3 hours ago, Pixey said:


    I'm glad I'm not the only one who is experiencing this problem. Thanks Pixey. I will copy and post my topic in the correct forum. I put it here first because I wasn't sure where it should have gone. :) I added my post to the plugin browser thread. Feel free to delete this post or lock it.

  2. PDN is also crashing for me when I try to load the xml (which goes in the Paint.NET User Files Folder)   I think the problem is with the Shape 3D Plugin and this should be noted in the Shape 3D Thread.


    EDIT:  I just noticed that this is an issue with the Plugin, which the author has not updated for ages.  You will have to add the settings manually each time :( .

    Oh. I guess I'll do it manually then. :(

  3. Nice try, mackenzieh!  Looks good.    :)     I see you opted to use something other than the gradient bars, which gives you a more uniform look.   Good job!!     :mtdew:  :cake:

    Actually, I did use the gradient bars. It's the gaussaian blur clamped width that I had moved up a bit. :) Thanks!

  4. Yes, even MJW's way crashes it. But maybe stick to that method, as you're only working on one layer of 'glass'. When I did my original waterlily, I had every piece of glass on it's own layer and it got pretty confusing real quick...not to mention the crashes!  Good luck!    :)


    **I am a bit distressed that this tutorial crashes PDN, but I have no solution for this**

    I think MJW's way is fast and it cuts down on the layers. PDN just seems to crash. :)

  5. This tutorial is known to cause PDN to crash. It's an 'insufficient memory' problem. It has crashed on me several times. It'a a labor-intensive tut and you have to work on each piece of 'glass' separately to achieve the proper effect.  I simply save my work frequently.    :)

    Oh, okay. I will try the tutorial again and save my work often. I even tried it MJW's way and it still crashed.

  6. Hi mackenzieh!   I've attached a pdf to the first post.  Thank you for the kind words.  Try it!    :)

    I have tried this tutorial twice and twice PDN has crashed on me. It's never crashed on me before.

  7. Hi mackenzieh...


    I have figured out the nature of your problem...


    To solve it : Simply press 'Shift' key while you draw the ellipse selection on the layer. Next do inverse selection, then deleting the unwanted area. Re-select the area again by using magic wand on the empty area then do inverse selection.  After that, just run the Fish Eye plugin.


    Here are what happened after figuring out the problem :




    Let me know what happened after you do so.


    Extra bonus tip : There're maybe some thin black outline left after running fish eye plugin. Just make it disappear by running AA's Assistant Plugin for several times.


    Hoping that it can help you a lot.


    All the best !

    Thank you Nai. I will give it a go soon and let you know how it turned out. :)

  8. Welcome !


    Okay... Now I can see those dark lines. 


    However, I'm not sure if that caused by settings you made on fish eye plugin or other things. It can be anything. To figure that out then solving it, I need the same original picture (before you run the plugin on it to emulate what are you doing ) or your blackpug.pdn file. Can you submit any of it to me ?


    When I'm really sure what had happened, I'll post the solution ASAP.


    Thanks !

    I have the original photo. I'll will attach it.



  9. Hi mackenzieh !


    Thanks for trying this tutorial !


    Before saying anything, let me ask you a question...


    Are you using the same picture I used as the model for this tutorial ? If not can you show me a screenshot, how does those dark lines looked like, or send me your pdn file to my inbox ?


    I need your answer for a clarification.


    Thanks !

    The photo I used was a black pug.

    I have attached the photo.





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