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Posts posted by mackenzieh

  1. 9a. Make a rectangular selection with the rectangle select tool :RectangleSelectTool: on the Gradient_Radial layer.

    9b. Press the M key twice - this tool moves the selection outline (and not the selected pixels).

    9c. Hold the Shift key down then Right click and drag. The right mouse key performs rotation, the Shift key constrains the rotation angle to 15 degree increments.

    9d. Invert the selection with Ctrl + I.

    9e. Press the Delete key to erase everything not in the inverted selection.

    9f. Run the AA's Assisstant plugin on the same layer.

    Thanks, EER. I will try it that way. :) Now i remember why I hadn't done this tutorial. I don't have the Tile Image plugin. Which brings me to this question. Is Curtis's plgin pack compatible with PDN version 4.0.6? I have the other plugins for the tutorial except Tile Image.

  2. Here's my attempt:


    Sorry if it's too large. I know it's uneven in some spots but I tried. Nothing is ever perfect. I also made a few changes. With step 7, I just made the entire circle the white transparent gradient in one shot. Then in step 19 for the triangle I used the the triangle shape when I clicked on the shapes selection and did some maneuvering of the shape to get it like it is in the tutorial. Finally for step 22, I just used the drop shadow plugin.

  3. Hmmm, you're right - sort of...


    Somewhere in the mists of time (I haven't done any real work on these plugins in ages) it somehow got renamed Vibrance   :/

    I'll see if I can find the time in the next few days to rename it back... In the meantime, you now know where to find it :)


    Edit: On second thoughts, I think I'll leave it as is...



    I found it.  :) I remember a plugin called Lattice. I've tried looking for it, but it's not there. 

  4. Actually, I think a plugin for this sounds kinda cool. Yes you can make it manually, but just like TR's tree maker is fun a plugin, something like this might be fun too. Mosaic plugins are cool, fill with image plugins are cool, checker board makers are cool, photo distort plugins are cool, and a new plugin that could take a picture and then distribute it into several rows, each row with their own color effect would be cool and fun to play with.

    To further the idea, sliders to adjust the rows height/width would be great and maybe a drop down list of pre-set color effects. If a drop down list for each row would be too much, then simply one drop down that has preset color arrangements that are applied to the whole image be good. Sorta like how some of Red Ochre's plugins let you choose how to color things from a drop down list of various pre-made color arrangements. And maybe a check box to check horizontal strip, vertical strip.



    Of course, without a new plugin, if one were to do this manually I would recommend these plugins to help with the process :

    Some color effects are in Ed Harvey's plugin pack -- http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/18811-ed-harvey-effects-v-35-2012-02-13/

    TR's plugin pack has several color effects that are neat -- http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/26725-technorobbos-plugin-pak-august-6-2014/

    My fave Object Align plugin is part of this pack -- http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/8375-drop-shadow-and-other-effects-krisvdms-plugin-pack-updated-2010-10-26/

    Others prefer the Align Object plugin though -- http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/4193-align-object-plugin-updated-06172007/

    The paneling plugin might be useful for this kind of project -- http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/2617-panelling-effect-plugin-ymd100718/


    And sorry, I think I overlooked it somewhere, but I know there are plugins that can give an "old/aged" photo effect, or "old film" effect. Maybe someone else can point you to them or you yourself can check out the plugin index.


    BoltBait's fill plugin could allow you to fill the canvas (or selected area) with your stock photo -- http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/28488-boltbaits-plugin-pack-for-v40-updated-august-7-2014/. Once the canvas is filled, if you have unwanted areas, then try using the rectangle select to cut off the parts you don't want. Then use the rectangle select again on each row of images and re-color those images with cool color effect plugins. If you need more versatility for each section, or if some plugins effect the entire image despite having a selection, simply cut/paste each section onto it's own layer.


    Remember, for selections, you can use the "Move Selection Tool" :MoveSelectionTool: to perfect a selection. I often will zoom in very close to tweak my selections to pixel perfect alignment.

    And tip, hitting the arrows on your keyboard moves things one pixel at a time. This works when clicking and holding nods, as well as for moving selected images. ;)

    Thank you for your response. :) I think a plugin like this would be fun to use too which is why I mentioned it. Your post was very well written and easily explained. Thanks again. :)

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