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Chinese Traditional localization (Paint.NET 3.2x) 繁體中文語言檔


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(Update Jan 26)

Final version uploaded. Special thanks Ash's advices for some nouns' definition


Please download and unzip attachment file , copy into \Program Files\Paint.NET directory

Almost whole content checked, please reply if any any improvement need, thanks~



請下載並解壓縮附件, 將其複製於 \Program Files\Paint.NET 目錄下

已檢查過大部分內容, 疏漏在所難免, 若有任何需要改進地方進請回文指教, 謝謝~


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Twist --> 旋轉?

TileReflection--> 瓷磚反射? 瓷磚反映?

Sepia --> 褐色化? 舊化? 褪色

Pixelate --> 馬賽克?

Zoom blur --> 放射(擴散)模糊

Radial blur --> 半徑模糊

Motion blur --> 方向模糊

Unfocus --> 變焦模糊

This is all I can think of now, I'll post again if I find any more.

Red color might be better ones??



All creations Ash + Paint.NET [ Googlepage | deviantArt | Club PDN | PDN Fan ]

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(扭曲 -> 扭轉)

http://tw.dictionary.yahoo.com/search?e ... D%E8%BD%89

- actually, "旋轉" should be like "spin" . the effect show two way spin and twist together...

Tile Reflection

(反射 -> 瓷磚反射)

- no problem, I will add the lost word


(去色 -> 深褐色化)


- yeah the original is wrong (I've never used it before so I don't know ^ ^"...)

but I think it should uses "深褐色" because it's different with "褐色" - it's like brown.


(顆粒 -> 像素(Pixel)化)

http://www.allwiki.com/index.php?title= ... 6(Pixelate)&variant=zh-tw#Pixelate.EF.BC.88.E5.83.8F.E7.B4.A0.E5.8C.96.EF.BC.89

- original is wrong, too...


Blur effect...

Motion blur

(運動模糊 -> 動態模糊)

http://gamecenter.taiwan.cnet.com/hardw ... /ss10.html

- maybe it should be changed even though many people use 運動模糊 too - almost in China

------(only Motion blur OK, the others make me headache)-------

Zoom blur

(變焦模糊 -> 放射狀模糊 ??)

- I think maybe "變焦" is ok, it's a verb and used for camera (zoom in / zoom out ~)

"放射狀" or "擴散" is an adjective, it can be used in here but the problem is "Radiation" also equal to "放射", so...

Radial blur

(放射模糊 -> ??)

- ...so I checked many sites and they used it too

(like Apple http://www.apple.com.tw/shake/specs.html , they use "輻射狀模糊", it's the same)

even if I modified it I would only think about "?射狀模糊"

I don't know... Zoom blur and Radial blur look too similar?

by the way, 99% people in China use "半徑模糊"

http://www.google.com.tw/search?aq=-1&o ... meta=lr%3D


(無焦點 -> ??)

- I don't know... noun like "no focus", or verb like "lost focus", or proper noun like "out of focus" ?

besides "失焦", I can't find better word replace it.


Sorry I have to stop here, here the time is am 1:00. tonight I will be back and see your opinion first.

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Hope I made the final conclusion...

---- I think those should be no issue



Tile Reflection






---- This one can be considered

Motion blur


---- these two "most controversial". Since I saw the intimation of icons , your idea should be accepted

Zoom blur


Radial blur (yeah, it's like radar...)


---- last one, new idea, form video game effect "anti aliasing" (全景反鋸齒 or 全螢幕反鋸齒)


全景散焦 (散焦 is also Unfocus)


After common consensus made, I will immediately start to modify file that we both support it.

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