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I also am a complete newbie to paint programs - though I've dabbled with the more elementary digifoto processing programs.

Question - this mouse thing is cumbersome to draw with. I assume that one can use those waccom tablet thingies or something similar?? Does anyone know??

Thanks guys and guyinas


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If you get a tablet it works fine, it just doesn't do any pressure sensitive lines. I have a tablet, and basically it just works as a mouse, but with more control!

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This thread is ancient!

Please read the Rules:

9) Don't respond to very old threads. Also known as "reviving" or "resuscitating" old/dead threads. If there has been no discussion in a thread for, say, 2 months ... then it is dead. Do not reply to it -- pretend like it is locked. If you reply to it, then the thread will be immediately locked and your post may be deleted.



I don't remember this being mentioned before...

A quick FYI for everyone with a Wacom tablet;

The latest drivers from Wacom enable all the Tablet PC features on ANY PC

Which means that anyone with Vista and a Wacom Tablet now has pressure sensitivity support in Paint.Net :D



Take responsibility for your own intelligence. 😉 -Rick Brewster

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screenmutt, Read the rules. Come on man, this thread is extremely old and there's no reason to have replied to it.

barkbark00 that goes for you too -- if someone replies to a super old thread, just leave it alone. Myself or one of the other moderators will fix it up.


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