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In case you get error reports on similar I've detailed here what's going on.

I was using Paint.net and went into open file - file view comes up and I have it set to thumbnails view - I clicked to the root of my drive and 1 second later paint shuts down with MS warning it encountered a problem but not telling me why.

I have 2 drives OS and storage and the error was on the storage drive - for the life of me I couldn't figure out why it was shuting down so then it came to me :idea: I ran another program went to open file (again with it set on Thumbnails view) and bang it shuts down but this time got the error.

xvid.dll was the problem - I assume it was being accessed to create a thumbnail of some vids I have on storage drive but spat the dummy - tested with several other programs and same thing.

So if you get an error on opening a file with thumbnails view on then you know it's not paint related.



Yeah you'd be surprised how often this comes up. I'm actually working on some isolation features so that I can run that dialog in a separate process. That way if it crashes, so what? Just rerun it in a safer view mode. Not the best but better than a meltdown like it has today.

The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

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