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JPG Compression

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The compression for JPG does not seem to be very good. I have exported the same exact image at 80% from Fireworks and from Paint.net. Fireworks gave me a file at 12.7K. Paint.net gave me an image of 63.5K. I tried 70% in Paint.net incase the percentages were different. This time the file was still high at 61.5K, and the quality was now unacceptable.

This is a big difference, especially when the images are being used on the Web. Are there any plans to improve this? I have searched the forum and the roadmap and don't see anything about it. Maybe I'm doing something incorrectly?

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Make sure that the image size is the same in both programs...the same width/height in pixels (not inches/centimeters).

Also, make sure when you save the file that you are using the same bit depth...24 bit is probably what you want. Fireworks may be doing 16-bit color quality (this could yield a much smaller file).

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