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Need help making tut

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I discovered a pretty cool fire effect I would like to share ,but I am pretty new to PDN, as evidenced by my first threads lockage :D (oh joy)

Any way I start with several layers of flame colored gradients reds and yellows and some black and distort with several passes of dent and sharpen until I come to a place where I feel confident with flattening, then I create a top layer of a shading gradient which goes through the same dent sequences.

any one that can fine tune it as I am finding it suoremely difficult to reproduce, can do so. I simply dont understand enough of this yet.

retired from PDN forums. Later dewds

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No cloud effects were used at all, and I am unaware of any flame tuts like this. This is all layered gradient/(gradient bar for the top most layer. )using dent, glow,sharpen and I forget what else

I need help figuring out how to consistently reproduce it. And do that efficiently. it takes me hours.

Pic 2 was my first accident in playing with fire, I just cant seem to do it over. :oops:

retired from PDN forums. Later dewds

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@ verndewd --> I really like the middle example. I understand your frustration when trying to reproduce something stumbled across while playing with plug-ins too. You may want to jot down the steps as you create one -- or use a mini recorder so that you can keep track of all the steps and will make writing a tutorial easier too. The more often you make the same "flame" it will get easier, you will get quicker at it.

Anyway I jsut wanted to tell you that I really like your fire...... keep working at it and soon you can write your tutorial.


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Thanks Z, Really I dont care if someone else figures it out and posts a tut; I am too new to really think I am all that; this pc art thing is quite a challenge. If I get it nailed before some one else I will post it.

retired from PDN forums. Later dewds

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