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suggestion for forums

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Well as we all know there are a lot of users on the forums that don't speak English as there 1st languge. Even though the posts well still be in English the rest of the forums could be in other languges.

PHPBB has many languge packs out that you can download and install. Then the user can pick there languge in there profile.

Now I understand that Rick is having the forums hosted on forumer instead of hosting it his self but I am sure forumer has more then one languge pack that they can install.

I am guessing that the major languge packs we would need to have installed whould be german, japanese, french, and spanish.

Just a suggestion.

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Sorry, but... Not useful.

You have to write in English and you read english posts, so seeing

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2007 12:51 pm Post subject: suggestion for forums
instead of
Posté le: Jeu 21 Jun 2007 12:51 Sujet: suggestion for forums
is not critical...

I hold a French forum and we use english words like post, topic.

Nice to care about us, though :)

No. Way. I've just seen Bob. And... *poof!*—just like that—he disappears into the mist again. ~Helio

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I know the posts will still be in English but the rest of the forums will be in your languge. That can be so helpful to people.

I see people who can't even make a post (I had to make a video to show a guy once because for 3 months he could not get it right) so think about how hard it must be for them people to have to translate every part of the forums.

Why try to shoot something down that may help people ?.

And don't say because it to much work, It not. I have run 4 PHPBB forums and 1 IPB and it like a 3 sec download and a 2 clicks of the mouse to set up.

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I know the posts will still be in English but the rest of the forums will be in your languge. That can be so helpful to people.

I see people who can't even make a post (I had to make a video to show a guy once because for 3 months he could not get it right) so think about how hard it must be for them people to have to translate every part of the forums.

Why try to shoot something down that may help people ?.

And don't say because it to much work, It not. I have run 4 PHPBB forums and 1 IPB and it like a 3 sec download and a 2 clicks of the mouse to set up.

if they can't figure out how to post a topic chances are they don't know common English, which is something you NEED to have an understanding of to be allowed to post.


Site: RIP =(

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Ok to save me time and a headache of explaining my reasons again I am just going to use ^ to point to the quote and give a short amount of words. Other then that i am sorry if at any time my post sound rude. Don't take it that way it just that, as I recall my last idea was shot down by bob and went from there. So this is my last idea or suggestion to try and help people.

if they can't figure out how to post a topic chances are they don't know common English, which is something you NEED to have an understanding of to be allowed to post.

^ Missed the point

Two works:



^ read part about having to translate every part of the forums

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as I recall my last idea was shot down by bob and went from there

I thought of this before posting.

So I tried to be more polite, to explain why I think it might be a not so good idea, longer than if it was someone who haven't contributed here like you did.

I'm not thinking 'Oh yesss, HITMAN-X- posted, I will tell totally the opposite!! He's such an idiot!'

I'm not trying to 'shoot something down'.

I'm just giving my 2 cents like I did in the 1585 posts I posted previously.

If you don't like me, just stop reading my posts, as I do with pyrochild's.

It's not my forum, Rick already implemented things I was against, and already said me 'No, it's not a good idea, I will not include it'.

Maybe you can explain it again, so I may change my position, like I did in pyrochild's case (It was yesterday).

Really, I hope despites my 1500+ posts, I've not such an influence on PdN developement because if I have to ask myself: 'Wait, if I say it's not an awesome idea, Rick will not implement it', I stop posting now.

If I want to design an application in which I'm totally sure every feature will be approved by me, I would write it myself or hire a couple of developers to do it for me.

Your suggestions are always well-written and I think if you leave, PdN will lose a bunch of good ideas, but sorry, I can't say your idea is awesome if I don't believe it is.

No. Way. I've just seen Bob. And... *poof!*—just like that—he disappears into the mist again. ~Helio

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