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Paint.NET shuts down whenever I go to save a Picture.

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Mmk well basically I go to Save As etc etc and then at some point while in the Saving window it will come up with a lovely little message telling me that Paint.NET has encountered an error.

There is no PDN crash log on the desktop and I couldn't find an error report anywhere else.

So yea. This is the riddle for the week.

Have fun.

And tell me when you figured it out coz then I can return to saving anything your great tuts show me :)

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Ye sure. I'll add them in a minute.

Firstly, the We have encountered and error one:


then when I clicked on "What does this error report contain", I got this:


Which led to me coming to the next thing which had thousands of lines of script and wouldn't select so I couldn't copy it.

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What file type are you trying to save as?

The error dialog is listing "xvid.ax" as the culprit, with sounds like the XVID codec to me. Maybe you're trying to save in a directory that has XVID files in it, and the codec has a bug in it so it's crashing Paint.NET while trying to generate the previews.

The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

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Trying to save as a PNG file and it's just in my My Pictures folder.

I just saved it in a completely diff folder... I'll check the other folders later and see what they had.

It's working now and saving everywhere except those folders...

I'll check it later to see what's in them.

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