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Grainy images-Help Please

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I am creating a logo for work for a letter head. I was using 300 pixels per sq inch and size page of 2.77 x 1.05 Can anyone tell me why when I save the image and bring it in to a Word document, the image is very Grainy? I have tried to save it as a .bmp, .jpeg, and .gif. Thanks for any help that I get

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no that's fine, you can leave it up there... I did play with the sharpness on it (Sunglasses icon) and changed it a few times. It did make it better. Yea your right, blurriness and grainy, meant to be the same. I never saved it as a pdn I did initially make the column only in windows paint. But it doesnt matter, the blurryness is the same with the column and the "mperial capital lending" part. Any other suggestions? thanks again.

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I do like the logo with the words in the middle, I will now incorperate that into the design. I still however keep coming up with the column being just a little blurry. I redid the entire design but now its more clearer but still blurry, I guess Paint.net isnt for something like this.

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