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Silent Install (AKA "Unattended") Help?

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We do not do a silent install, but an unattended one is perfectly possible. If you run the setup program with the /? command-line switch, it will tell you everything :)

Paint.NET Installer Help

Command-line options:

/skipConfig  -  Skips configuration of options and install directory. Uses MSI properties in the following order of precedence: 1. supplied on command-line, 2. read from HKLM\Software\Paint.NET, 3. default values. NOTE: Use of this option infers acceptance of the License Agreement.

/auto  -  Automatic install. Infers /skipConfig. Does not show the final wizard page that details the result of installation.

PROPERTY=VALUE  -  Sets an MSI property. Paint.NET specific properties are TARGETDIR=installDir, CHECKFORBETAS=0 or 1, CHECKFORUPDATES=0 or 1, JPGPNGBMPEDITOR=0 or 1, TGAEDITOR=0 or 1. Multiple properties may be specified.

(btw the default value for each of those listed properties is 1)

When we apply an update we use the /skipConfig option automatically, which causes the last page of the wizard to be there that says "yay, we installed successfully." Using /auto skips past that page.

Here's an example command-line that will install Paint.NET to the "D:\PDN 2.5 B2" directory, it will check for updates but NOT check for beta updates, it will register for JPG/PNG/BMP but NOT for TGA:


Quotes are required for the TARGETDIR if you want a directory with spaces in it (standard command-line fare). If you are familiar with how MSI's work then you may also specify other properties. I don't know of any others, but they can presumably be used for other types of customization I can't think of.

The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

Donations are always appreciated! https://www.getpaint.net/donate.html


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Every time I try to do this I get this error:


The commands that I have tried are these:

"C:\Documents and Settings\OrcoXP\Desktop\Paint_.Net_v2.5_Beta2.exe" /auto TARGETDIR="%PROGRAMFILES%\Desktop Publishing\Paint.Net"

"C:\Documents and Settings\OrcoXP\Desktop\Paint_.Net_v2.5_Beta2.exe" /auto TARGETDIR=C:\Progra~1\Deskto~1\PaintNet

"C:\Documents and Settings\OrcoXP\Desktop\Paint_.Net_v2.5_Beta2.exe" /auto TARGETDIR="C:\Program Files\Desktop Publishing\PaintDotNet"

Am I doing something wrong here?

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The quote marks go around the whole command-line parameter. Instead of:

TARGETDIR="%PROGRAMFILES%\Desktop Publishing\Paint.Net"

Use this:

"TARGETDIR=%PROGRAMFILES%\Desktop Publishing\Paint.Net"

The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

Donations are always appreciated! https://www.getpaint.net/donate.html


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Hey Rick. thanks for the quick response but unfortunately, I am still getting the same error.

So far I have tried this, as per your instructions:

"C:\\Paint_.Net_v2.5_Beta2.exe" /auto "TARGETDIR=%PROGRAMFILES%\Desktop Publishing\Paint.Net"

And this because I thought it may have an issue with the period in the path:

"C:\\Paint_.Net_v2.5_Beta2.exe" /auto "TARGETDIR=%PROGRAMFILES%\Desktop Publishing\PaintDotNet"

And these to rule out the %PROGRAMFILES% variable:"

C:\\Paint_.Net_v2.5_Beta2.exe" /auto "TARGETDIR=C:\Program Files\Desktop Publishing\Paint.Net"

"C:\\Paint_.Net_v2.5_Beta2.exe" /auto "TARGETDIR=C:\Program Files\Desktop Publishing\PaintDotNet"

And these to see if it required a slash after the path:

"C:\\Paint_.Net_v2.5_Beta2.exe" /auto "TARGETDIR=C:\Program Files\Desktop Publishing\Paint.Net\"

"C:\\Paint_.Net_v2.5_Beta2.exe" /auto "TARGETDIR=C:\Program Files\Desktop Publishing\PaintDotNet\"

I even made sure that the folder already existed but got the same error.

I also tried this because I thought that the fact that there was a space in the path may have something to do with it:

"C:\\Paint_.Net_v2.5_Beta2.exe" /auto "TARGETDIR=\"%PROGRAMFILES%\Deskto~1\PaintDotNet"

"C:\\Paint_.Net_v2.5_Beta2.exe" /auto "TARGETDIR=C:\PROGRA~1\Deskto~1\PaintDotNet"

And this because I thought that I may have to escape the quotes on the path under TARGETDIR to accept the space:

"C:\\Paint_.Net_v2.5_Beta2.exe" /auto "TARGETDIR=\"%PROGRAMFILES%\Desktop Publishing\PaintDotNet\""

What is the software that you are now using to load the installer?

Is there any chance I could get a standalone installer from you?

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It looks like there is an off-by-one bug in the code! If you do something simple like:

PaintDotNet_2_5_Beta2 TARGETDIR=C:\PDN

And then click Next until you get to the "Select Installation FOlder" page, it initializes the folder text as "=C:\PD".

I've filed a bug and this will be fixed in the next release, probably next week. For now there is no workaround, sorry.

The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

Donations are always appreciated! https://www.getpaint.net/donate.html


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Yeah it was an easy fix, too.


string value = arg.Substring(indexOfEq, arg.Length - indexOfEq - 1);


string value = arg.Substring(indexOfEq + 1, arg.Length - indexOfEq - 1);


The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

Donations are always appreciated! https://www.getpaint.net/donate.html


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The installer does not parse %PROGRAMFILES%. The command-line shell (cmd.exe) does that before it even reaches the installer. So when you execute the following:

PaintDotNet_2_5_Beta2.exe "TARGETDIR=%PROGRAMFILE%\Whatever"

The code that I write actually sees:

PaintDotNet_2_5_Beta2.exe "TARGETDIR=C:\Program Files\Whatever"

(or it is given whatever %PROGRAMFILES% is set to)

The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

Donations are always appreciated! https://www.getpaint.net/donate.html


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Allright, it was a pretty simple change.


NativeMethods.MsiSetInternalUI(NativeConstants.INSTALLUILEVEL_BASIC | NativeConstants.INSTALLUILEVEL_HIDECANCEL, ref hWnd);


NativeMethods.MsiSetInternalUI(NativeConstants.INSTALLUILEVEL_BASIC, ref hWnd);

It's in for the next release. I'm actually hiding the cancel button all the time, as it just makes certain error handling a lot simpler to deal with.

The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

Donations are always appreciated! https://www.getpaint.net/donate.html


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  • 1 year later...

Hello again Rick, I was hoping you could help me again...

This time I am looking for assistance in tweaking the unattended setup.

It just seems to take forever configuring the system (or something like that)

Is there a location that I can find the installer switches?

I did get some hits while searching. About 11 pages I think.

Mostly referring to some of the swicthes but not what they did and I can't seem to locate where I got the info before

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