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Hi There,

I am facing an issue with 2 downloaded fonts (Pico Black & Pico White - downloaded from http://thetwitterfont.com/). The letters are not coming up when I am trying to type with these fonts on paint.net v3.5.10 (on Win 7). Whereas on my other laptop, with Win XP and paint.net v3.5.10 it is working aboslutely fine.

Please look into this issue.




Paint.NET uses DirectWrite for text rendering in Windows 7, whereas on XP it'll be using GDI. If DirectWrite doesn't handle that font, then neither will Paint.NET.

You should probably ask the author of the font what's going on. There's probably a bug in the font that GDI is ignoring or something.

The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

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