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How to get the rounded glass edges on a cube

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I used the TUT S3D#1:Different image on each sides of a cube.(EASY) by ASH for an image im working on for my wife. there was a pic posted at the end of the thread that had the edges of the cube looking rounded and glass like i have tried to get this effect but have been unsucsessfull and am in need of help and instruction here is the image i am talking about

the image is Her last post (#133) or click here (could not figure out how to get it to post sorry)

any help or instuction will be great

thanks im still learning the ins and outs of PDN

Edited by CyberSamurai
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Actually, if you look where the red circles are, the corners are not rounded. The only 1 corner that an appearance of being rounded is the one indicated by the blue circle and it appears there's a misalignment of the red lines that frames the butterfly image that may have been caused by a/the plugin which created the cube (my guess - I haven't read the tutorial).

Nonetheless, in the places where corners are apparent (like indicated by the red circles above), the eraser should suffice to erase the points off and round 'em out. As for the area that is indicated by the blue circle, the smudge tool ( http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?showtopic=10634 ) may do the trick.

Edited by jim100361
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Actually, there is a "round edges" option in the shape3D plugin. It's right underneath the scaling options if you scroll down.

I think, however, that this is not the effect you are looking for.nvm, but I'll leave the rest of my post just in case ;)

It appears that this snoewite person pretty much just followed the tutorial to get the edges like that.

What you need to do is make the gridlines from step 2 thick and have them on a separate layer. Then, metallize them somehow (either with displacement map or with bevel+curves) and use shape3D to form them into a cube.

It's really just the perspective and the confusing highlights that make some of the edges look round in the picture

Edited by pdnnoob

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