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Hello, I'm making a book cover in Paint. This is my second cover. The first one went great but that was 8 months ago. For this cover, I used The tools, specifically paint bucket to remove the background on a silhouette I'm putting on a photo. It went pretty well but now the bucket tool won't go away. I can't seem to shut it off. I can't do anything else because the bucket disappears everything I click on!

I'm sure it's a simple fix.

Can someone help?



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I don't really understand you .. The paint bucket tool is used to fill shapes with one color .. i don't really know what you mean by "disappear" but maybe , just maybe you have the blending mode to replace and the color to sonething really transparent , other than that i don't know how to help you unless you illustrate more..

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I don't really understand you .. The paint bucket tool is used to fill shapes with one color .. i don't really know what you mean by "disappear" but maybe , just maybe you have the blending mode to replace and the color to sonething really transparent , other than that i don't know how to help you unless you illustrate more..

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