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PDN 3.0 BUG: 0x0 selection!?

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OK, select something on an image with any width but the same height of the image, copy it, create a new image that has the same height but DOUBLE the width as the selection, paste it and then using the move pixels tool and arrow keys with control. You'll notice the selected pixels' numbers are lowering until they reach zero:


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On my copy (English version) the first set of coordinates is the upper left corner of the selection. The bounding rectangle size changes as the image moves on or off the new canvas.

So it seems to work properly for me. I'll post an image if you would like.

My status bar looks like this:

Selection top left: 0, 0. Bounding rectangle size: 115 x 116. Area: 13,340 pixels square
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I'm editing with more precise steps.

EDIT: I probably know now what's happening. Open a SMALL IMAGE and click the mouse (with rect select tool) on anywhere BUT THE IMAGE/TOOLBARS, then drag it to the image and the selected area keeps 0x0.

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Sorry I missed that bit. But I'm still not duplicating it.


The original image is 117x117. The reason the bounding rectangle is 92x117 is because part of it is off of the new canvas. The part that won't be pasted is subtracted from the total.

Does that make sense? I'm not sure if that is how it is supposed to work or not.

If you are getting a different error then I cannot duplicate it.

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Sorry I missed that bit. But I'm still not duplicating it.


The original image is 117x117. The reason the bounding rectangle is 92x117 is because part of it is off of the new canvas. The part that won't be pasted is subtracted from the total.

Does that make sense? I'm not sure if that is how it is supposed to work or not.

If you are getting a different error then I cannot duplicate it.

Rick already replied, Tin. Thanks anyway.
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