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hi all, i need to save a BMP file to be EXACTLY 300KB. it is for use on a BIOS splash screen, so it needs to be 600 x 480 and exactly 300KB. i have found that you can do this in Photoshop, but i can't find a way to do it PDN. does anyone know a work around?

Thanks in advance



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There's no way to instruct Paint.NET "hey I need this to be 300KB". You can, however, watch the file size indicator in the Save Configuration dialog, and adjust parameters appropriately. When it comes to BMP, however, there's only a few options for trimming the file size: 24-bits, or 8-bits. The latter will be smaller of course.

The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

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The only way that's going to happen is 8-bits per pixel, and no header information (ie a raw bitmap stream, not a BMP-format file). Paint.NET does not support saving this way.

Also, your fancy gradients and effects there are going to be quantized rather badly into the 8 bit palette, which only supports 256 colors.


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