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save with out save configuration dialog

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  • 4 weeks later...

How is it stupid?

If I never change my save options and want to do the same settings everytime, then the prompt is redundant and unnecessary.

There should be a save defaults of always save this way or something. If I'm dealing with 400 pictures, this is 400 more things I need to do.

Paint.net is pretty good, but unfortunately, like Microsoft, it takes the opinion that the user is ignorant and always needs to be prompted and guided on his way.

If you're dealing with an advanced user. The less you need to move your mouse or push buttons to dismiss dialogs the better off you'll be.

PLEASE take this moronic dialog out.


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Paint.NET is not psychic. You have to tell it what you want it to do.

Sorry you were born in the wrong century, in which personal computers do not interface directly with your brain.


ambigram signature by Kemaru

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1. Just press Enter.

2. Stop being such a jerk.

3. I'm closing your moronic thread.

The UI was designed to work this way for good reason. Apparently you have a superiority complex. Shake it off, then come back.

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