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Hello, I'm from Chile, and I used Paint.net.

I dont know what happen. Today I open it, and y cant.

But is not only that. I cant removed, or overinstaled.

Step by Step:

When I try to open It, showme that:


When I try to deleted tell me that:


And when I try to overinstaled or instaled, tell me that:


Plis I pray for your help.

I dont wrote very good, but I can understand yours explication.

Plis, I use some much this program. And I dont Know hoe Fix it.




It's possible that your .NET Framework 2.0 installation needs to be repaired.

In the Add/Remove Programs control panel, find "Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0" and click on it. Then click on the "Change/Remove" button. Then, it should give you the option of repairing. Do this, and try running Paint.NET again.

The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

Donations are always appreciated! https://www.getpaint.net/donate.html



Ès possivel que tu .NET Framework 2.0 instalacion necessita de ser reparada.

En Adicionar/Remover Programas, encontra "Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0" y clica-lo. A seguir, clica en "Modificar/Remover". Depués, aparecerá lá opción de reparar. Hace-lo y tenta abrir Paint.NET de nuevo.

(I'm portuguese, not spanish, BTW...)


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