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Need help with edges of my banner...

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I have a banner that has a background image with several layers of text overlay.

When I put the banner in my application it centers and looks great...except the right side forms an extremely hard line where the image ends and the white background begins.

I installed the latest Feather download but I just do not see any visual change in the image. (I even flipped in the outline window between initial and post feather images quickly and there is no difference)

So my question is how to feather the left edge of the image so that it fades to white and does not have that hard edge to it. Point me to a tutorial is preferred so I can learn the steps for accomplishing this.

Thanks for help.

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please post a picture, explaining pictures in words dosn't help much :shock:

but, maybe you need a transparency grAdient or something, i'm not too sure as i don't completely understand what you mean..

someone could help you if you post a pic, in the mean time good luck with it.

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Feather only works when there are transparent pixels next to your hard edge. :-) Glad you got it figured out.


The Doctor: There was a goblin, or a trickster, or a warrior... A nameless, terrible thing, soaked in the blood of a billion galaxies. The most feared being in all the cosmos. And nothing could stop it, or hold it, or reason with it. One day it would just drop out of the sky and tear down your world.
Amy: But how did it end up in there?
The Doctor: You know fairy tales. A good wizard tricked it.
River Song: I hate good wizards in fairy tales; they always turn out to be him.

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