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Twist's Gallery


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iyg7pt.jpg (Random)

33uesg9.jpg (For a contest)

2pynq1h.jpg (Another contest..)

2pq0qhw.jpg (Meh...)

15347e0.jpg (When boredom sets in..)

t0j7uq.jpg (Contest, the razor blade was requested before you jump to any conclusions =P)

125nnfn.jpg (One of my favorites)

2cf4cgk.jpg (My name on a GFX forum)

2hej2wj.jpg (Eww)

333vb6s.jpg (Meh...)

yhsjjie-14.png (Heh)

o9fssx.jpg (Failed attempt)

2z4ijnt.jpg (Eww)

52bdpl.jpg (Meh...)


28iuhvn.jpg (Contest..)

ayrh5j.jpg (Eh...)

261epw7.jpg (Meh)

1zwhrfa.jpg (Another favorite)

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I like your Kanye West and Twilight ones, even though simple they have nice overal effects. I believe the apple in hands picture is based from the second book?.

& you should have more confidence in yourself. These forums are all about furthering your knowledge of pdn and getting better

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