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saving Images

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What error message (sorry, I haven't yet perfected my psychic abilities) ? Is there a crash log on your desktop, pdncrash.log? If so please post its contents here.

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A grey box comes up. In the upper Left corner of the border it says, "Save Configuration". Directly below in the upper left it says, "Settings" and "Quality". To the right of this it says, "Preview, file size: (error)" Below "Settings" and "Quality" there is a drop down menu that says, "95". There is a slider bar to change the 95 to anything between 0 and 100. Beneath this is a button that says, "Defaults." In the lower right hand corner are buttons for "OK" and "Cancel." That's it. No code or anything else is given.

I have tried different photos, tried to save with no changes, with changes, with the original file name & without. I have rebooted. Uninstalled and reinstalled several times. I am at a loss.

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ok now, is this a file you opened and are trying to save or a image you created ?

If its an image you opened and are trying to save, could you post it for testing on our Paint.NET's or bring it to another computer with Paint.NET to see if its the file itself that Paint.NET don't like.

if it an image you are creating, could you do a print screen of the error and then go into MS Paint, paste it, save it, and post it so that we can see it better.

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When you are typing up your post, under it is a another box called Upload attachment.

Use the browse button to find the file you want to upload and then click the Add the File buttton.

When ready click submit to post.

NOTE: Uploading your files in a zip file is a good idea as it will allow you to upload more then one file as one file, reduse file size, and help protect users from unseen treats like a file virus.

TIP: Whenever downloading attachments, no matter who they are from, you should scan them with a virus program before opening them.

Ok 4 AM here and can't keep my eyes open.

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File works fine for me and when saving it works as well. Could you post the image of the error message ?

When the error shows up, hit Print Screen on your keyboard.

Go into micorsoft Paint that comes with Windows and hit Control + V to paste the screen shot. Then save it and upload it.

Also is this error only happening on this images or does it happen with others ?

If it happens with other images then you may want to do a repair of Paint.NET itself.

Go to your Paint.NET install folder and run PdnRepair.exe

If its only that image, then try moving the image to another folder and then open it with Paint.NET and try saving. Sometimes videos or DivX files / files that use DivX that are in the same folder were your images are or trying to save to will cause saving errors.

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