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print size

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What size of paper you are using?Anyways open a new empty file in Paint.net with the same size of the paper you are using in the printer then copy your picture and paste it on the new empty file and drag it close to the center(leave some space from each edge)then print the result.

example: if your picture lets say 3 by 3 inches and you want to print it on a paper size 8.5 by 11 inches(plain paper size).the open a new file with size 8.5 by 11 inches then go to your picture which is already re-sized to 3 by 3 inches copy it and return to the new file that you open it and paste it there then drag it far from the edges , print the new image,then cut the picture.

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Thanks yellowman,

First: I am a new user of paintnet, a little green probably.

So a few follow-up questions:

1. How can I choose a paper size? (Image> canvas size > print size?) Can you fix a default size?

but more important

2. If I choose File>Print I get a sort of Print Wizard where I can choose sizes which have nothing to do with the size of the picture/ drawing.

So I return to my original question: how can I print a picture in the actual size?

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So I return to my original question: how can I print a picture in the actual size?
Simon Brown recognised that a certain degree of control is missing in Paint.NET's printing, as a result, writing this plugin:


Before, we would advice you to save in Paint.NET and open it Windows Paint to print, this plugin mimics much of the control people would like from their printing.

Do tell if this works out for you.

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