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Pdn supports tablets, however someone who actually has one will have to help you...Because I don't.

But I know how to make sand.

Use a combination of Noise :AddNoise: , Median :Median: and Frosted Glass :FrostedGlass: until your satisfied with how it looks.



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Paint.NET does indeed work with most brands of graphic/drawing tablet. You set this up however the manufacturer details how to do so; Paint.NET will simply 'see' the tablet as a regular mouse or trackpad. There have been very few compatibility issues, although this shouldn't be taken that there will be none.

If the tablet you have speaks of something like pressure sensitivity or suchlike - as in, that the width or opacity of the brush stroke is dependant on the amount of pressure you apply with the pen on the tablet, giving a much more genuine feel to drawing - then only Paint.NET running Windows Vista will be able to take full advantage of this feature.

Don't forget to make sure you have the most up-to-date drivers for your tablet as well.

If you have any problems as a result of Paint.NET, by all means post your issues in the Troubleshooting section of the Forum, where we might be able to offer a solution.

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Pdn supports tablets, however someone who actually has one will have to help you...Because I don't.

But I know how to make sand.

Use a combination of Noise :AddNoise: , Median :Median: and Frosted Glass :FrostedGlass: until your satisfied with how it looks.

thanks :)

how realistic are we talking here? (not at home to try it atm)

Paint.NET does indeed work with most brands of graphic/drawing tablet. You set this up however the manufacturer details how to do so; Paint.NET will simply 'see' the tablet as a regular mouse or trackpad. There have been very few compatibility issues, although this shouldn't be taken that there will be none.

If the tablet you have speaks of something like pressure sensitivity or suchlike - as in, that the width or opacity of the brush stroke is dependant on the amount of pressure you apply with the pen on the tablet, giving a much more genuine feel to drawing - then only Paint.NET running Windows Vista will be able to take full advantage of this feature.

Don't forget to make sure you have the most up-to-date drivers for your tablet as well.

If you have any problems as a result of Paint.NET, by all means post your issues in the Troubleshooting section of the Forum, where we might be able to offer a solution.

thanks for the info, and yes I was referring to the pressure sensor. I dont have vista (and plan on keeping it that way lol) so from what I understand then I bought it for almost nothing? if so that kinda sucks but atleast I dont have to draw curved lines entirely with the curved line tool anymore XD

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