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Paint.net's contrast is different from Nvidia CP's contrast

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I like Nvidia Contol Panel's contrast slider because it provides a better picture quality when lowering the contrast, in comparison when contrast is lowered in Paint.net the picture becomes brown and loses details. I want to lower the contrast of a picture even more than is possible with Nvidia CP so I tried to do it in Paint.net but the quality was not good.


Is there a plugin which retains a better quality of the picture when lowering the contrast. What can I do to retain picture quality? Do I need to adjust other variables, like exposure, brightness, shadows, highlights?


BTW how can I preset PNG as save format?

Edited by frer8833
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57 minutes ago, frer8833 said:

how can I preset PNG as save format?

If you open and edit an existing image, for example a .jpg, then Ctrl+S / Save will always save to the same file name and file type.

For a new image paint.net will default to saving in .pdn format if your image contains multiple layers or to .png format if it has just a single layer.


If you want to save a .jpg image as .png, then you need to do Ctrl+Shift+S / Save As which will create a new file and use the .pdn or .png defaults as described above.




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1 hour ago, frer8833 said:

I like Nvidia Contol Panel's contrast slider because it provides a better picture quality when lowering the contrast, in comparison when contrast is lowered in Paint.net the picture becomes brown and loses details.

It would be helpful if you posted a (cropped) screenshot of an image showing:

  • Original image
  • Nvidia Control Panel reduced contrast
  • paint.net reduced contrast

so we could see the effect you wish to achieve and what is lacking in when you use paint.net

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PDN’s Contrast adjustment dates back to 2004 (maybe 2005?) and is not necessarily a good implementation. Changing it now would be disruptive to many people’s workflows though.


It should be easy for someone to craft a little plugin in CodeLab that uses Direct2D’s ContrastEffect ( https://paintdotnet.github.io/apidocs/api/PaintDotNet.Direct2D1.Effects.ContrastEffect.html ) to see if it’s better.

The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

Donations are always appreciated! https://www.getpaint.net/donate.html


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