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Why is Cropping & Micro-Rotating Now Difficult?

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I have used paint.net for 10 years, often for cropping and straightening images at work. In the past, this was very easy. Now when I attempt to do this:

1.) The crop rectangle is difficult to drag to the desired borders of the image, even when I zoom out: it wants to stop dragging before I am ready to stop, which would result in an over-cropped image if I clicked "OK."

2.) When making minor rotations to straighten images, older versions of paint.net let me see (in real time) the degree of rotation before I clicked "OK." Now that I cannot see the image, rotating is guesswork.


This reminds me of the early 2010s, when Microsoft replaced classic Microsoft toolbars with the "ribbon," which I partially adjusted to years ago but will never like. Why take a function that was previously simple and accessible, and make it difficult? This is NOT a rhetorical question! Thank you.

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That is not normal, and it sounds like you're having a performance issue on your system.


Please post the diagnostic information found within paint.net.


Settings -> Diagnostics -> Copy to clipboard.




(September 25th, 2023)  Sorry about any broken images in my posts. I am aware of the issue.

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3 hours ago, Painted Butterfly said:

When making minor rotations to straighten images, older versions of paint.net let me see (in real time) the degree of rotation before I clicked "OK."

Now that I cannot see the image, rotating is guesswork.

How are you making the rotation? I'm guessing using Layers -> Rotate/Zoom?


And what do you mean by "Now that I cannot see the image"?  The image should remain visible as you rotate it. Nothing has changed in paint.net in this respect.

What exactly is happening? At what point does the image disappear for you?


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12 hours ago, Painted Butterfly said:

The crop rectangle is difficult to drag to the desired borders of the image, even when I zoom out: it wants to stop dragging before I am ready to stop, which would result in an over-cropped image if I clicked "OK."

@Painted Butterfly I'm now wondering whether you are really using paint.net or whether you are talking about a different app and have come to the wrong forum.


To crop in paint.net you simply make a selection and then do Image -> Crop to Selection or press the shortcut Ctrl+Shift+X 

In paint.net there is nowhere to "click OK" when cropping.



13 hours ago, Painted Butterfly said:

Why take a function that was previously simple and accessible, and make it difficult? This is NOT a rhetorical question! Thank you.


Nothing has changed in paint.net


What app are you using please?



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