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Is there a option to carve out objects? example picture attached

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Is there a Plugin or Feature that can "carve out" objects in an image?

Selecting everything manually or even with the Magic Wand can lead to selecting something I don't want to and there is no way of unselecting a specific section.
In PhotoShop for example there is a feature that looks like this:

It allows to carve out objects, sections, etc.

Is there something similar or a plugin?

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  • Solution
19 minutes ago, Vlad said:

no way of unselecting a specific section

Try using the subtract selection mode? (but remember to switch back afterwards).



If you need Bezier curves or splines then create an object with the line tool on a new layer and use this to make your selection, then move back to your image layer to delete the selection? The ShapeMaker plugin can also be used for this technique if more complex geometry is needed.

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Red ochre Plugin pack.............. Diabolical Drawings ................Real Paintings



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