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Modify Default "Fit Picture To Frame"?

Go to solution Solved by Rick Brewster,

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When printing a picture, the default is to automatically "Fit Picture to Frame," ie, enlarge it to whatever size of paper it's being printed on. 


I do a LOT of printing to PDFs, and have to turn this off on every layer, 5-6 times per file. 


Is there a way to set the default on this to "Do NOT Fit Picture to Frame?" It would save me, on average, 6 clicks per project, roughly 40 projects per weekend. And that many clicks DOES make a difference for my poor fingers.

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  • Solution

Unfortunately this isn't possible, as the printing UI is a Windows component. There's no way for me to make any changes to its UI -- I'd have to write a brand new printing UI and printing system from scratch. Someday...

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2 hours ago, Rick Brewster said:

Unfortunately this isn't possible, as the printing UI is a Windows component. There's no way for me to make any changes to its UI -- I'd have to write a brand new printing UI and printing system from scratch. Someday...

Oh, well. Somebody send me some magnesium oil to dull the pain.... as you say, SOMEDAY.

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  • 4 months later...

Hi. you can solve this if your keyboard or PC allows you to record keystrokes to a single key combo. eg you could program Fn+F1 to do Ctrl-P , Alt-F , Enter   or  Cntrl-P , Alt-F , Alt-P. It is the Alt-F that toggles the "Fit picture" . this works for me

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On 2/13/2023 at 2:33 AM, Marilynx said:

Oh, well. Somebody send me some magnesium oil to dull the pain.... as you say, SOMEDAY.

Sorry that SOMEDAY has taken a while to arrive, but here's some AutoHotkey for you, which is better that magnesium oil because it removes the pain completely.

Press Ctrl+P to print and the unwanted 'Fit picture to frame' will be unchecked for you.


; AutoHotKey script: 'AHK hotkeys.ahk'
; Create a shortcut to this .ahk script file in the Windows Startup folder, which can be
; found by entering shell:startup in Windows Explorer's address bar.
; The usual location is:
; C:\Users\<users_folder>\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup

; Require the use of AHK v2.0 or later
#Requires AutoHotkey v2

; Allow only one instance of the script to be active.
; If the script is re-run (e.g. after editing the .ahk), the currently running
; instance will be replaced with the new version
#SingleInstance Force

; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Hotkey: Ctrl+P while Paint.NET is the active window
; Does File | Print and, when the Print Pictures window is displayed, unchecks
; the 'Fit picture to frame' option which is checked by default. 
; Side effects: None
#HotIf WinActive("ahk_exe paintdotnet.exe")
	; Use Alt+FP to do File | Print
	Send "!fp"
	; Wait until the Print Pictures dialog is active
	WinWaitActive("Print Pictures")
	; Use Alt+F to uncheck 'Fit picture to frame'
	Send "!f"



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