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Rings on a Planet

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I have tried various thing to get the effect of rings like on Saturn on planets that I have made on PDN. For example - http://s212.photobucket.com/albums/cc28 ... galaxy.png - I want to put rings on the orange planet but I cant figure out how (I would have just put the code on but it is too big). Does anyone have any thoughts?

It might be a good idea for a update on the render 3d plugin, so it has a render 2d plugin.

Thanks in advance



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I remember someone had a link for a tut somewhere, or was it for PS.

Either way, it will work for PDN as well.

I'll see if I can find it, if anyone remember when and where, post the link...

Edit: If the attached image works for you, I can teach you a very easy method.



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Okay from memory heres how you do it.

1. above your planet on a new layer draw some squiggly lines in a small area, the more lines the denser the rings.

2. run radial blur on quality 5, and distance 360.

3.duplicate layer a couple times until it become more visible then merge them so they become one layer.

4 Run layers>Rotate zoom, and adjust the ball so its at the right level.

5. get the eraser out and erase the bits that should be behind the planet.

6. run curves or curves+ and got to RBG mode and fiddle around till you get your colour.

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I remember someone had a link for a tut somewhere, or was it for PS.

Either way, it will work for PDN as well.

I'll see if I can find it, if anyone remember when and where, post the link...

Edit: If the attached image works for you, I can teach you a very easy method.

yes that will work. i think that i can do it multiple times in different layers to get the different colors.



Check out my gallery: viewtopic.php?f=26&t=24152

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