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Copy/Paste (clone) luminosity curve or per-pixel HSV "V" value from one image to another?

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Hello!  Is there a plugin that can essentially apply one image's luminosity curve to another image?  I have 2 LUTs in .png format: one is a custom color LUT I made (in paint.net) and another is a professional movie LUT that came with a Reshade preset.  The movie LUT's colors aren't what I am looking for, but its luminosity is excellent.  Right now I am able to run the video game (SkyrimVR fyi) with 2 stacked Reshade LUT effect plugins: first one with my custom color LUT, and then that is followed by the movie LUT but an option enabled to ignore all color data and only apply the LUT's luminosity.  Looks perfect!  ...however there is an extra performance cost to having an extra Reshade effect plugin running in real time.


My thought is to blend the 2 LUT .png's together in Paint.net so I only need to run one plugin.  However I cannot figure out how to copy the luminosity curve of the one .png image and apply it to the other one.  I found "blend modes plus" that has a luminosity blend option but it gives a funky result.


Can anyone suggest a way to copy the luminosity curve of one image to duplicate it in another?





Edited by vrnord
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After a little more thinking, what I am actually looking for is a per-pixel "paste" that can apply the "V" value of the source image pixel's HSV to the same pixel in the destination image, without affecting the H or S values.  Kind of like how you can copy/paste per-pixel alpha values with the "paste alpha" plugin. 


Or maybe there is a blend mode that only adds that data?  Does something like that exist?



Edited by vrnord
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  • vrnord changed the title to Copy/Paste (clone) luminosity curve or per-pixel HSV "V" value from one image to another?
49 minutes ago, vrnord said:

After a little more thinking, what I am actually looking for is a per-pixel "paste" that can apply the "V" value of the source image pixel's HSV to the same pixel in the destination image, without affecting the H or S values. 


I believe you can use my Split Color and Brightness plugin to do that.


- Put the image whose V you wish to modify in the lower layer, and the image whose V you wish to replace it with in the upper layer.

- Set the upper layer's Blend Mode to Multiply.

- Run Split Color and Brightness on the lower layer, with the Display set to Color.

- Run Split Color and Brightness on the upper layer, with Display set to Brightness.

- Merge the layers or flatten the image.


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