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Error 1722


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Hi all,


I have this problem too and i tried all I found on this forum (BCUninstaller, the MicrosoftProgram_Install_and_Uninstall.meta.diagcab, reinstalling microsoft visual C++ and .net framework, and so on), with no succes...


here's the different log files found in the %temp%:

  • PdnMsiInstall.log:

=== Logging started: 28/11/2019  13:56:41 ===
Error 1722. There is a problem with this Windows Installer package. A program run as part of the setup did not finish as expected. Contact your support personnel or package vendor.  Action _577D73A5_8502_4A32_A3DC_26C3DEF80357, location: D:\Program Files\paint.net\SetupNgen.exe, command: /install DESKTOPSHORTCUT=1 PDNUPDATING=0 SKIPCLEANUP=0 "PROGRAMSGROUP=" QUEUENGEN=1
=== Logging stopped: 28/11/2019  13:56:52 ===

  • pdnSetupShim.log:

--- paint.net SetupShim starting, lpCmdLine='/suppressReboot', nCmdShow=10
CoInitialize(NULL) returned 0
Checking OS requirement
    bIsWin7SP1 = true
    bIsWin8 = true
    bIsWin81 = true
    bIsWin10 = true
    bIsWin10_1607 = true
    bResult = true
EnsureOSRequirement() returned 0
Called EnsureTrustedInstallerIsEnabledAsync()
Checking .NET requirement
    bIsNetfxInstalled = true
    bIsSupportedNetfxInstalled = true
    bIsNetfxInstallerPresent = true
PreInstallPrompt() returned true
InstallNetfx() returned 0
Launching paint.net installer. bRebootRequired=false
OurCreateProcess: dwRetVal = 0
Done. nReturnVal=0
--- Exiting, nReturnVal=0


if you find something useful to help me, it would be appreciated! :)





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Hello @Matx and Welcome to the forum :)


I have opened your query into a new thread, as the other one is old.


It seems you may have a .dll missing.  It may be necessary for you to use this tool:




and then try to re-install Paint.net again from here. 


How I made Jennifer & Halle in Paint.net

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