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Copying from paint.net an image with transparent background and pasting it elsewhere

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Is it possible to copy from paint.net an image with transparent background, and paste it elsewhere while keeping the transparency of the background?

Currently I have such an image on a transparent canvas, but when I try to select all, copy and paste it elsewhere, the resulting image has had the transparent part replaced with white.

However, if I save the image onto my drive first and attach it from there, the transparency is retained.


Any assistance would be appreciated.


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The problem that you are experiencing is dependent upon the other app that you are pasting into.
I have experience that some apps will let me paste an image with a transparent background from PDN just fine,

while other apps will only retain the transparency if you use 'cut & paste', rather than 'copy & paste'.


It may have something to do with how various apps use data from the 'clipboard' and how they handle alpha channels during 'copying' vs 'cutting'.

Edited by HyReZ


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It would also help to know what the other app is.


But like @HyReZ points out, it depends on that other app. Paint.NET does put transparency on the clipboard in both DIBV5 and PNG formats.

The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

Donations are always appreciated! https://www.getpaint.net/donate.html


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8 hours ago, HyReZ said:

The problem that you are experiencing is dependent upon the other app that you are pasting into.


1 hour ago, Rick Brewster said:

It would also help to know what the other app is.

Thank you for the replies.

I am trying to paste the picture into Discord on Windows 10. Both copy and cut left a white background.


I will also contact them for any assistance.

Thanks again for the replies.

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A quick web search reals that Discord is written in Javascript and is launch within your default browser.
I read that backgrounds are being added by how the app or browser deals with transparent backgrounds in its CSS in HTML.
You may want to check to see if Discord can be launched via various browsers. Maybe they handle images with transparency differently.


Edited by HyReZ


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5 hours ago, HyReZ said:

A quick web search reals that Discord is written in Javascript and is launch within your default browser.
I read that backgrounds are being added by how the app or browser deals with transparent backgrounds in its CSS in HTML.
You may want to check to see if Discord can be launched via various browsers. Maybe they handle images with transparency differently.


Hello HyReZ,

I have tried both the Discord app for desktop and in various browsers (Internet Explorer, Microsoft Edge, Microsoft Edge Canary), all on Windows 10, 64 bit, and all of them have the same result.

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It appears that the problem is within Discord and how it handles images with transparency.
Since this is not a Paint.NET problem and I don't use Discord this is far as I will go with this.

There are apps that allow for editing/customizing Discord.
Here is one that seems to be popular: (Good Luck!)




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