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quick dim in paint.net

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If you know the dimensions, you can easily apply them by using the line/curve tool, and selecting the arrowhead style to both ends. You can change the style by looking on the right of where the Brush width is found and clicking on the small arrow to change the end style.

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If you know the dimensions, you can easily apply them by using the line/curve tool, and selecting the arrowhead style to both ends. You can change the style by looking on the right of where the Brush width is found and clicking on the small arrow to change the end style.

That's what I need. But I don't undertand what I must do to get it.

Edited : This is what I've tried :


I don't understand the arrowhead style


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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry , I don't understand.

"If you know the dimensions, you can easily apply them by using the line/curve tool, and selecting the arrowhead style to both ends. You can change the style by looking on the right of where the Brush width is found and clicking on the small arrow to change the end style."

Where can i find the "arrowhead style" ? .


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