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I am trying to create a 2' x 3' poster. After making the poster, could I save that file on disk and take it to Kinkos and have them print it out for me?



In my first post I should have asked also if the file will be big enough to scale to 2 feet by 3 feet. Often, when you blow something up, it gets all pixelated and fuzzy.


Figure out what DPI you need to have, and then scale accordingly.

For example, if you need 300 dpi, then you will need a (2*12*300) x (3*12*300) pixel image. Which is 7200 x 10800 pixels, which is probably too big to fit in memory (w/ Paint.NET) unless you're on a fully 64-bit system.

The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

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