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[PDN 3.35] Assorted bugs: pixel precision

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This may actually be all the same bug, though I'm not sure of that. All following bugs are tested with antialiasing turned off, might work with AA enabled as well, though.

When drawing a line, and then undoing it, the start pixel of the line remains, although it should have been undone with the line. Video: http://hypftier.de/temp/line-undo.avi

When drawing a rectangle, some corners may disappear. Video: http://hypftier.de/temp/rect.avi

When moving the mouse over a zoomed-in image, the exact pixel position of the cursor (in the picture, not on the screen) seems to jump in a 2×2 pixel square, seemingly random. This may be the cause for the aforementioned rectangle bug. Video: http://hypftier.de/temp/pixel.avi

Another bug I observed when drawing lines: Sometimes, when drawing an exact diagonal line from bottom right to top left and moving the cursor (while drawing the line) one pixel to the left, the second pixel from the top left disappears. Hard to recreate, a sloppy video of it: http://hypftier.de/temp/line-pixel.avi

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When drawing a line, and then undoing it, the start pixel of the line remains, although it should have been undone with the line. Video: http://hypftier.de/temp/line-undo.avi

I can't reproduce this.

The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

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I feel this to be a lost cause...

From the video I've provided below, going on a per-frame basis, I've been able to extrapolate these coordinates that experience this bug. A one pixel margin of error has to be expected, however I would bet my life on the vast majority of these. They are as follows:

(start coordinate

finish coordinate)














With all this, though, you can revisit any of the coordinates and it will not work again. Nor has it to do with intervals, like after every five drawn lines the bug occurs; as can be seen from the video, elapsed time between them range from one second to over twenty, accounting for many drawings in between. As well, you will notice the random approach to my finding them, which only further solidifies my assumption that it is some random quirk - if such a thing exists.

Two pixel line width, anti-aliased, zoom level of 200%.

Video download from MediaFire - get it before they lose it

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Hrmm. Yeah if you can find a definite, completely reliable repro ... I'd love to fix it. This would fall into the class of "data loss" bugs, which are always critical to fix.

Unfortunately we may not find that repro until after 4.0 is done :? 8)

The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

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Ok, some more stuff on the line-undo thing. I initially thought it might have been a problem with my mouse (kinda like double-click when only single-clicking) but using my trackpoint here at the notebook works, too. It does, however, only seem to work zoomed-in, not when at 100 % zoom level. This might indicate a relation to the jumping coordinates.

It doesn't work always, though. However, the start pixel (or pixels with AA turned on) are already present when drawing the line, as in mouse button not yet released. And this pixel isn't removed by using undo. This can be observed by reducing alpha to 50 % -- the start of the line should be darker, then. Reproducible here about half of my tries (zoom level 2400 %). It seems to be easier to reproduce when zooming in as far as possible.

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