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How do I create alpha-channel smooth curves with this tool

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I am trying to create a big "@" sign which has smooth curves. As a normal anti-alias'ed character. The curves have jaggies. I need to put this "@" sign on many different backgrounds, so I need one done as a PNG that uselelises the 4th channel.

I'm afraid I have not been able to find a tutorial which shows how to do this as i'm a beginner with this tool.

My menu structure currently has an "Alpha Mask Tool" and another one just called "Alpha Mask".

Does anyone know how to use these Alpha Channel Plugins for the above task? :|


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Why not just type one up?

The font size goes up to 2000, so it would be pretty large.

Make sure you do this on a transparent layer, and that the aliasing setting (at the top) is set to :AntiAliasingOn: , not :AntiAliasingOff: .

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Don't go counting your chickens before the pack of rabid ravaging foxes attacks. -Sozo
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Thanks guys,

I did not explain the problem enough.

I want the character "@" to have it's background hidden. When you do that you

have to use alpha channel.

Note that most graphics on the below web-page are alpha channel but the "@" and one

of the "3"s is not.. and both of them look a bit tatty...




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From the looks of it, you didn't do what Mike Ryan said.

It seems you typed the '@' sign on the same layer as the white background, and then magic wanded out the white, thus causing aliasing issues.

Make sure that you can see a checkerboard pattern as the background before you type your text.

Call me expired. Please.


Don't go counting your chickens before the pack of rabid ravaging foxes attacks. -Sozo
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