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Two suggestions: color picker, and canvas shadow

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These may have already been suggested.

1. As far as I can tell, the only way to see what a particular color is (its value) is to click it with the Color Picker ("eye dropper") tool, change the current primary or secondary color, then see its value. You must then manually manually restore your previous color.

Instead, it would be helpful if the Color Picker would indicate the color it's pointing to. It could show a value in the status bar---or, if that was too distracting, a tool tip with the value could appear after a second's pause.

2. The decorative drop shadow under the current image is pretty, but it can be distracting, especially with smaller images, when it's hard to imagine how the image actually looks (without the shadow).

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Greetings again, anderpainter!

Forum moderating to address first:

According to the Rules, your topic title breaks #6 as it gives absolutely no definition to what you're asking for. A good topic title clearly indicates to users what you're enquiring after and a user who is more attuned to the request is more likely to help out. 'Two suggestions' doesn't tell anything, does it? Imagine if the entire forum was littered with 'help!', 'suggestion'. Ludicrous it would be, utter madness. And a pain to search for previous topics of interest.

As they are suggestions rather than previously answered questions, I have changed your title for you. However, I ask you to bear topic titles in mind when next you post as such leniency may not be extended again.

Your suggestions:

1) I agree, this would be handy. I thought about this only recently, thinking about how the colour pick operates. Perhaps the colour picker would live read the current pixel is hovers over, so the reading would present in the Color window, but the definitive choosing of the colour would not happen until you clicked. The current colour would remain if you decided for another tool, or simply did not use the colour picker at all.

This could cause a little confusion, though, as a new user might assume the live preview to be the choosing of the colour, they might assume that they do not need to click as their chosen colour has appeared in the window.

2) I see where you are coming from, but this doesn't bother me that much, so I have nothing productive to add.

Don't forget: titles! :)

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#1 has been suggested a few times before, and BoltBait replied in the past with a thought-provoking answer: Which color would it be defining? The color it sees on the current layer? The overall color as it would be due to layer blending? Opacity plays a large part in the color as well...

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According to the Rules, your topic title breaks #6 as it gives absolutely no definition to what you're asking for. A good topic title clearly indicates to users what you're enquiring after and a user who is more attuned to the request is more likely to help out. 'Two suggestions' doesn't tell anything, does it? Imagine if the entire forum was littered with 'help!', 'suggestion'. Ludicrous it would be, utter madness. And a pain to search for previous topics of interest...As they are suggestions rather than previously answered questions, I have changed your title for you. However, I ask you to bear topic titles in mind when next you post as such leniency may not be extended again.
Yikes---ACA, possibly? (I'm one too.)

Thanks for changing the title. I agree, that's a good policy. And I understand how hard it can be to stay objective with things that feel like control issues---but really, something like this would've been entirely sufficient: "Please be more specific in your topic titles. I've changed this one for you. Thanks!" Would've saved you all that typing, too. ;?)

[re indicating color-picker color before picking it] I agree, this would be handy... Perhaps the colour picker would live read the current pixel is hovers over...
That's the idea.
...so the reading would present in the Color window, but the definitive choosing of the colour would not happen until you clicked. The current colour would remain if you decided for another tool, or simply did not use the colour picker at all... This could cause a little confusion, though, as a new user might assume the live preview to be the choosing of the colour, they might assume that they do not need to click as their chosen colour has appeared in the window.
No, I wouldn't change the Color window, for the reason you describe.

When you select tools, their controls appear to the right of the "Tools" drop-down---so that seems like a logical place to show color values as the user moves the pointer. There's lots of space, since Color Picker shows only the "After Click:" box. A possible format:

RGB:255,163,245 HSV:306,36,100 Tr:255

(Whoops---I typed two spaces between each group, but the board changed them to singles.)

When I used Paint Shop Pro, it did that kind of thing, and also showed an updating tool tip near the pointer. I'll attach a screenshot. Some users might find that a bit distracting, though, as the tool tip covers a bit of the image.

[it] has been suggested a few times before, and BoltBait replied in the past with a thought-provoking answer: Which color would it be defining? The color it sees on the current layer? The overall color as it would be due to layer blending? Opacity plays a large part in the color as well...

It'd show the color and transparency values that would appear in the Color window if you clicked that pixel. That's what we're talking about---a way to preview that.

And I can't speak for everyone, but there are many times when I don't necessarily want to pick a color; I just want to see what it is. Doesn't it seem a bit, er, '90s, to have to pick it, then manually restore the previous color, just to see what you were pointing at.

[re compulsory drop-shadow] I see where you are coming from, but this doesn't bother me that much, so I have nothing productive to add.
Many GUIs have drop shadows around stuff; they're pretty. The problem is, a drop shadow is a graphic effect that people use graphics editors to apply, and Paint.NET is a graphics editor. Word processors don't add extra letters around your documents. Sound editors don't insert extra sounds before and after the sound you're editing. The idea is to keep the work area as neutral as possible, considering the type of work you're doing.


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...but really, something like this would've been entirely sufficient: "Please be more specific in your topic titles. I've changed this one for you. Thanks!" Would've saved you all that typing, too. ;?)
I am sorry, I don't mean to patronise you.

When typing such, I have no idea who is on the receiving end: it could be someone who is completely bewildered by forums and the common practices of forums, or it could be someone like yourself who is more attuned to them and understands such rulings. I try to cater for the former person under the thinking that the latter (yourself) would be more willing to accept it.

I also write that much because I believe in explaining why it's a rule rather than just telling them it is - I try and give a comprehension, too. With that understanding might also come less hardened feelings when I lock their topic, so it doubles as a safety from animosity towards the Forum.

It's basically a whole boat-load of assumptions, and it could lead one way or the other.

Again, apologies if I seemed condescending, 'twas not my intention.

Right, I'll stop endlessly rabbiting on and let the discussion continue as it should.

EDIT: whilst I'm here, that screenshot your provided, the one with the bee, that colour picker functionality is more like it. I'd definitely vouch with you for that. Pictures help oh-so more.

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