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About darrenvox

  • Birthday 04/17/1981

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  1. do you use the mouse or do you use a graphics tablet for drawing...i find the subject of many a contest to be really hard using the mouse, like this weeks contest to make a mural, thats really hard for mouse users.. what do you use for drawing (only)
  2. it shows that im not much of a drawer on computer
  3. some blending of a photo i took of Bruno's in Banff aberta with a picture of a singer i used to know...brunos if you want to know shut down this year due to covid and low business...it had been a staple for many years
  4. wish i had the time and effort to do stuff like on page 1, wow...
  5. since its getting cold here ive painted a summertime shot of people walking and cyclist and a roller skater though its really hard to tell...
  6. brighten up my face and it will do me greatly...ill try that same thing in pdn
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