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Posts posted by PyroTechniques

  1. Unless there's some specific reason you have to use JPEGs, I would recommend using PNGs instead, both because they have better quality and because they support transparency.

    Also, if you really want true anti-aliasing on your cutouts, use Alpha Masking instead of the Magic Wand. To get the plugin, search for "alpha mask import" in the plugins section on this forum. To learn how to use it, check out the tutorials by Crazy Man Dan, both accessed from this page.

  2. Also, the Recolor tool can do what you seem to want your "color replace" tool to do. I take it you want to replace a specific color through the entire image? Just set the color to be replaced as your secondary color and the color you want to replace it with as your primary color, set your Recolor brush size really high (like 400 pixels), set your tolerance, and go at it.

  3. I'm also still wrapping my brain around Alpha Mask, but it looks like one of those things that will become essential once I understand how it works.

    Two excellent tutorials by CMD on how to use Alpha Masking can be found on this page, the "Alpha Masking Overview" and "Alpha Masking - Cutouts" tutorials.

  4. I really like your current sig. Simple concept, but very well done. I especially like the 'sun ray' effect. As a matter of fact, I've been looking for a tutorial on how to create a 'sun ray' from scratch. I know how to enhance one, but from scratch is a different matter. Maybe, possibly, you could post one? :)

    And the figures in the sig could do with just a tiny bit more blending. Other than that, though, great job!

  5. I recommend that you change your thread title quick, before any of the mods see it. :D Look at Rule #6 (and the rest of the rules while you're at it) to see what I mean. Also, you probably should have posted this in the Troubleshooting and Bug Reports forum.

    As for your issue, have you tried re-installing Paint.NET? Also, your issue may (just possibly) be a hardware issue, i.e. one of your memory sticks has burnt out, causing you to lose memory capacity and make Paint.NET non-functional. That's not really very likely, but it is a possibility.

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