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About Krutch-it

  • Birthday 01/01/1970

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  1. It's been a long time since I've used Paint.NET, but I remember some way of making rays of light coming from the corner. I can't remember if it was a gradient, a plug-in, or something in the tutorial section that showed how to do it. Does anyone know what I'm talking about? I've used the search, but I can't seem to find anything on it.
  2. Um.I have one problem: all of the gradients I have/install take up the whole selection. Like: I can't get it to resize how I want, they a;ll just automatically take up the whole area. I've installed 3 different gradient packs/plugins. Am I missing something, or is there a different plugin I need?
  3. I'm still practicing to get the feel of everything right. I hope this comes closer than my previous attempts, lol: EDIT:: v2, w/ border:
  4. K Max is the awesome. His solo career is far and above the best of the three former DCTalk members. Lie. Toby Mac? He was in DC Talk and his stuff has sky-rocketed. Michael Tait and Kevin Max are [virtually] unheard of. And the last time I listened to K Max, he stunk, in my opinion. lol. How many CDs does he have?
  5. ^^ nice! The color makes it look cool. Not sure what else to say, lol. Here's what I started with: pic 1 Here's end: pic 2 I did very little in the way of steps. Not trying to make it look weird. Tell me what you guys think? I think it's a little off..but not sure what's off, exactly..
  6. Why does it say Jeff Bridges on it? Isn't he an actor? Anyways, nice cd. is it 100% pdn? I'm kinda noob in pdn, so i cant tell lol. I like the logo, it's nice and sleek and simple, i think. Here's a sig I did today..I'm trying to gt better at blending the sig into the bg...
  7. I like the smoke vampire one. It looks neat. EDIT:: I'd give criticism, but I'm new as well so my criticism wouldn't help much. you've done a efw things that I couldn't figure out if I tried, lol. I also like the first one, though around the lips looks like you cut something out? or something..it just doesn't look "normal" (if you can call any of that normal )
  8. @Kemaru: Because when it was just white letters, I could barely see it and I thought blue would make it even more invisible since everything else is blue. I guess I could've made the font one size bigger, eh? And, I think all I did with bg was jitter a copied render of Altair over it and put it in a different layer mode (like difference or something). Lol. Thanks for the feedback
  9. @ hyrule: metroid sig: did you use the metroid sig tut? I think i read that tut. and, it looks nice so far. There's something a bit off about it (maybe the "transition" of the guy to the fire/shot? where the 'fire' outline turns form gold to red?), but I'm sure you'll do fine Post the end result when you've got it! And I like the Yoshi one! 'yoshi' seems a bit hard to read, but I love mario and anything related lol Here's one of mine I made today: I tried to keep the flow in mind and the I tried to focus the contrast on the focal point (Altair, hopefully ), so..tell me how I did please
  10. Those are neat. I've never heard of vertical sigs before. It's neat, but there's too much room at the top, even though it kinda looks cool to me, I think others would find it annoying/distracting. Post the v3 you have of it
  11. I was trying to do something that was different from my normal style (not sure if I even have yet, haha), but I don't really like it. The lightness at the bottom seems to offset it, but if I take it off it all looks empty. I tried to find some way to make it look like something is floating around him (like an exploded ring of some kind?), kinda transparent, but I couldn't come up with anything good. Help? EDIT: Also, I was wanting to do something like clouds surrounding him, but not so overhwleming that it took over the whole thing, but I don't know how to do that without it being over the whole sig. Help with that would be good, too. EDIT 2: I saved the pdn file, so I can change it all I want, heh.
  12. Oh, well..I don't know if i really want a focal point. I kinda like people to look at all of it. Is that bad?
  13. I like the picture that looks like two "planets" (or sphere's of something) colliding. I think that's awesome This one: http://i232.photobucket.com/albums/ee113/gabrielleger/custom%20made%20pics/explodingdesing.jpg
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