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Posts posted by Goonfella

  1. Added a few shades and the the shadows on the leaves really make a difference. Good call Helen :wink:

    Also I used a bit of Powerstretch to change the shape. I think it looks much better now.What d`you think Welshy?

    Tried to get rid of jaggies but on the laptop it looks fine. It`s only on the web you notice it ( on Photobucket and here).Any ideas to get rid of `em?


  2. Thanks for all your suggestions.

    Helen - I do think it looks a bit `flat' and needs some shadows/highlights to bring it out. Never thought of the shadows on the leaves though - thanks.

    LFC - as it a wip I havn`t polished off the edges yet but thanks for mentioning it anyway, although it doesn`t seem too bad.

    Welshblue - I got the shape of the strawberry from the tut I was following. Looking at some photos of the real thing shows that it is a bit too round.Never mind, it`ll do for now.

    BTW, before anyone asks for the link to the tut ,for some reason it is no longer there. I got redirected to another webpage where it was supposed to have been moved to but it was not there either :?

    It`s called Drawing a Melting Strawberry in Photoshop.

  3. New pic on P1 - The UFO Puzzle.

    I noticed the link to the Puzzle Piece tut in the Real Image thread and thought I would give it a go. I wanted a nice background and in the end I settled on a flying puzzle, which led me to the name of the piece - The UFO Puzzle .

    I tried to make the puzzle a bit more interesting by warping it a bit with Tube Oblique.

    The clouds were custom brushes based on the cloud plug in in PDN.

    Constructive criticism welcome.

  4. Thanks Jedi12. I basically followed this PS tut for the apples -

    http://psdtuts.com/tutorials/drawing/ho ... ustration/

    The only part I struggled with was shaping the apple as in the tutorial, but having done Oma`s pear tut I have found ways of using Bulge that I never would have thought of ( thanks Oma! ) which could get the required shape with a bit of fiddling around with the settings.

    If you want to try the apple , have a go at the pear first - what you learn about shaping the fruit will come in handy.

    Having said that I used part of the apple tut to improve on the pear. Swings and roundabouts!

    Good luck! :wink:

  5. and its like trying to do glass, method is one time good next time same steps yield nada! its something I'd also want as a plugin.



    I have to agree there!

    Sharp - I think this was the one -


    When it`s downloaded it should be called `Heightfield to Normal Map'.

    I also found this one which seems to do a similar thing but with more options in the GUI.-


    Havn`t tried this one myself though. Not needed it so far.

  6. Just finished my first pear. I did the shadow differently though. Duplicated the finished pear and coloured it black. Then went to layer zoom/rotate and adjusted to the right angle, which did take a bit of fiddling.Then gaussian blur and reduce the opacity as in your tut.Also I selected it with the wand and reshaped it a bit. This way I think the shadow has some of the shape of the pear.

    For the stem I used a similar method as in the apple pics, except I think this one had a better result.

    I really enjoyed this tut. Thanks. Anyway here it is -


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  7. I needed to replicate the same effect to do this orange slice from a PS tut-


    In the end I used clouds - default settings

    Dents - scale 21, amount 30, the rest default

    Heightfield - bumpiness 8.78

    Adjust to black and white

    Layer setting reflect.

    Colour as needed.

    It would be nice to have plastic wrap in the effects though.

    Hope this helps.

  8. That`s actually one of PS`s custom brushes. OK it might be cheating a bit but it was the best way to get the effect I wanted.I tried making my own moon for that part but this was just way better. Everything else is PDN though. Glad you like it.

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