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Posts posted by Gamer_World14

  1. HDR: High Dynamic Range - where you take several shots at different exposure intervals (such as -4, -2, 0, 2, 4) and then mix them together to achieve a total light range.

    While our eyes have this dynamic range, cameras don't, so with this method we can achieve what we actually see (for example: point your camera out the window, and you'll see it adjust exposure / shutter speed to compensate for the added light. Then point it back to an inside wall by the window, and you'll find the camera adjusts to the wall or room. With HDR, you can see both the wall, and the outside well.)

    Photomatix not only does this, but it allows you to manipulate actual highlight / shadow levels as well as contrast, temperatre and luminosity so you can achieve some crazy effects.

    Paint.NET is beginning to have these capabilities, though not directly. I remember J2K was experimenting with fake HDR techniques a while back - and certain plugins (Shadow/Highlight recovery, Local Contrast Enhancement, etc.) allow you to replicate something pretty close to HDR.

    In fact, like I said before, in the future I want to be able to restrict as much of my HDR process to PDN as I can. (The only current restriction I see is that I wouldn't be able to have true HDR - with actual exposure intervals - it would have to be simulated instead.)

    Oh, an I wish I had RAW capabilities, too. Pictures sure would be higher quality...

    Ok, cool. I never knew exactly what HDR was, thanks for the info. And what version of Photomatix did you use for that image? ;)

  2. Taken with a Fujifilm FinePix S8000fd (reason for horrible noise) and without a tripod.
    Does the finepix really produce that much noise? If so, I am glad I went with a Sony Cybershot DSC-H20.
    At the time I made the original picture (before converting it to wallpaper form) I wasn't very accustomed to the different programs I used, so you'll have to forgive me on the various mistakes I made (lens distorts in PTgui, Not enough contrast smoothing in Photomatix, etc.)
    Another Photo stitching program that I use is called Hugin. It is a free and I think open source stitcher and it works quite well. :D
    If you would like to see the original frames, composite, or simply the full sized HD versions, don't hesitate to send me a PM.
    What was the final resolution of this work you made?
    (No clear focal point, off the mark on Law of Thirds, etc., etc.)
    Not all photos need to follow the Rule of Thirds because it really depends on how the photo(s) were composed overall. I think you did a great job because you got enough of the sky and enough of the street to show a good mood in the image. I especially like the clouds in this one, I am not sure why, but they just look really cool. ;)
    Hope you like it, and feel free to use it as a wallpaper.
    I liked it, great work. Nice to see such a combination of software to make one piece of art. :D
  3. Great tutorial! I will try it out once the random shape fill plug-in is fixed. I'm not sure how long that will take though. :|
    Wait, that plugin isn't working on the beta now? Darn. Hopefully they can fix that soon. :!:
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