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Posts posted by verndewd

  1. Glass_and_Reflections_by_0_ASH_0.jpg

    Its awesome ASH ! just not Photorealistic yet. What I find most interesting is the tray Appears to be 3 final layers and outrageously well done borders. looking forward to the update. Also it seems the sphere reflection is off at the tray, shouldnt the reflection begin behind the visual surface?

    Looks pretty realistic on my monitor :lol:

    Anyways, I don't understand all these technical talks, each item on this piece have many layers.

    And as long as it looks right to me, and others can enjoy my work. That's all it matters.

    You keep raising the bar Ash. Glad that you do and envious as well..

  2. Real enough? More to come :D


    I did, youre missing surface relflections on the orbs . on my DA there is a guy that rendered some round metal shapes he uses a canned reflection but it does a convincing job.

    try inverse bulging a pic of a room and sphereizing it and then lowering the opacity , thats what the other guy seems to have done. It works but you can see he uses it for every surface reflection. Its a bit canned.

    uhh, "more to come" :?:

    dA page: "There are still some small details I should add, more to come later.

    Saty tuned." :?:

    I know there are missing details, and I like to find my own method/use my own style, not gonna follow this "other guy" :? :lol:

    Besides, I'm not gonna make reflection of the room. Howeve, I will make reflection of something else. :AddNoise: 8) :AddNoise:

    Its awesome ASH ! just not Photorealistic yet. What I find most interesting is the tray Appears to be 3 final layers and outrageously well done borders. looking forward to the update. Also it seems the sphere reflection is off at the tray, shouldnt the reflection begin behind the visual surface?

  3. Thanks David :)
    Real enough? More to come :D


    still a ways from photo realism.awesome though :D

    Look closely :lol:

    @chris2fer: I'm thinking those thingy you hang on the Xmas trees.

    I did, youre missing surface relflections on the orbs . on my DA there is a guy that rendered some round metal shapes he uses a canned reflection but it does a convincing job.

    try inverse bulging a pic of a room and sphereizing it and then lowering the opacity , thats what the other guy seems to have done. It works but you can see he uses it for every surface reflection. Its a bit canned.

  4. I'm fairly new to paint.net and my original artistic capabilities are limited. But the thing that almost wants me to quit using this brilliant programme is the snobbery in the tuturial section. OK some people post poor tutorials does'nt mean you have to lamblast them, just dont post any reply at all and that 'Tut' will wither and die real fast, any child psychologist can tell you ignoring someone who's after attention has a profound impact, we all have to start somewhere and that includes writing 'Tuts'.

    You know it goes both ways on this, need thicker skin for one. And you can always create your own pdn group elsewhere for 2, which is what I plan on for several key reasons . I dont suppose you know how tedious it is to wade through 100 tuts to find a technique that is truly useful.

    On the same token some people do well with simpler ideas, and it seems to me that the peer group here is honest enough about noob tuts. Shouldnt take that so personally it helps you grow.

    Get some thicker skin :idea:

    People dont understand my art to the point it seems there is pathetic amounts of support considering how much more praise I give than get. :cry::roll: Gimme a break. If your peers criticise a tut you should listen, People only advise when they care consider yourself loved if you get criticism at all.

    That said there will always be an insecure jealous person slamming you when you actually do well. Its not snobbery, newbie; its helpful advice. :D

    I am the least praised good artist here, boo hoo :lol: I take that to mean I am getting really good and it puts people off.

    All good points, save one I've never posted a tut, and never intend to post a tut, my artistic abillities are on a par with a house brick i.e none.

    I know the tutorial is awash with poorly written pointless rehashed threads. What Graphic program forum is'nt. However I feel Paint.NET has that something special (that unknown factor X). So in it's own intrest to modreate the elitest attitude that may send the prospective user somewhere else.

    It becomes a habit you know sniping at people. You don't even know your doing it after a while. Just because the original 'POOR TUT' poster was'nt thinking does not mean your intelligence should suffer total failure too.

    great reply, seriously.

  5. This is not chatter space, this is specifically for the sharing of chrome techniques. I will mandate that your replies accompany a variation of the technique.

    we will begin with a simple shape and vary the gradient and luminosity settings. Do not reply without a screenshot of variation.

    Act 1







    lets roll back to the first gradient pull and add some white to the edges with the same gradient tool. I will be wanting to think in terms of grey to some degree. you need to bear in mind that luminosity really can expose a lot of unwanted gradient variations. Be right back to add to this first page.when I am done I will resize all of these.


    reverse the primary and secondary and put the black secondary at 0% opacity





    This is the basis, a place to start. Now this is a community developement tutorial for people that evolve such textures. Have respect in posting and dont post mundane ineffectual underdeveloped ideas. It took months for me to develope chrome as I see it and some of my peers have been at it a while as well This tut took 1.5 hours, honor that by only posting cool developements,,, and save the chatter for PM's or other discussion threads like my shiny things tutorial. BTW this marks the first, pointed, texture dev thread for PDN in existence here. Many wouldnt credit me so I have to do it myself. Its not ego its self preservation.

  6. Ive been trying the shiny tutorial by vern and I seem to be having trouble with the chrome, can anyone help me with what Im doing wrong.


    First off I didnt get what he said by outline gradient, or somthing like that

    and idk why its so jagged and has little white spots must of been my cutting it out with a magic wand :?

    your center gradients,,,,, lets talk in my thread ok? The tut thread I can explain whats going on chris. :D

  7. My try at making the moon.


    looks like a wheel of brie cheese :P


    He he, nice one. Here' s another try. Wich one you' d say works best?



    I like them all but they need shading. Still thinking of brie here. lol but really I was kidding mostly Great starters for moons just think of some shading tweaks. My moon looked like pumice. :D

    christ2fer thats a lolipop looker in some regard but still a really cool abstract. nice depth and colors.

  8. stretch the sky and tons of what? I am confused Ash :shock:

    He means that the sky needs some perspective, easiest done my stretching it sideways, though I personally would recommend also using Layers->Rotate/Zoom to give it an even more realistic perspective. As it is, it looks like the sky is behind the picture, rather than above it. Other than that, it looks really cool :D Good work.

    ahh I was thinking maybe that was it but wasnt sure. :D I wanted to post this radial blur BKGRND to inspire folks to create more wierdness.


  9. There will be some guide line posted for writing tuts soon.



    It's not the correct thinking, if you make Art just wanting to get praised.

    IMO, Art = Expressing one self, Sharing what one can do with others, aollowing others to enjoy one's work, inspire others...etc..

    (Comments I received that made me the happiest and proud wasn't "Ash, OMG, Awesome!" <--Still happy, don't get me wrong.. :wink:

    It was "your art (all of it )is just sooooo cool. ive just been trippin' on pdn 4 a month or so.

    your amazing talent was the reason im so stuck on pdn.

    first that caught my eye, your sabertooth .Take it easy ash,

    missliss1226.") There are a few more like this, but you get the idea.

    Praise is a good bonus, but it shouldn't be the only thing one seeks for. (seems this is something you often mention)

    On the other hand, If you really want praise, I have only 1 advise.

    Work even harder. (That's what I always do)


    That wasnt my point, ash. My point was getting any reply is good. Most times I get nada which is fine by me. I am confident in my abilities and by comparison consider my art as very very good. Lack of praise obviously has no effect on me and the criticisms I have had are as few and as appeciated as praise.

    A response is a response is my point. If you get any its a good thing. If you get none or a low amount its odd. None of this has any bearing on using PDN and enjoying your inner exploration.

    Vlad is another example of an artist with ambitious vision who is , like me paving an uncommon path for PDN users.

    Both of us go in abstract directions and are good and get less feedback, and I thk we both enjoy PDN and art more than enough to disregard lack of response as lack of understanding.


  10. I'm fairly new to paint.net and my original artistic capabilities are limited. But the thing that almost wants me to quit using this brilliant programme is the snobbery in the tuturial section. OK some people post poor tutorials does'nt mean you have to lamblast them, just dont post any reply at all and that 'Tut' will wither and die real fast, any child psychologist can tell you ignoring someone who's after attention has a profound impact, we all have to start somewhere and that includes writing 'Tuts'.

    You know it goes both ways on this, need thicker skin for one. And you can always create your own pdn group elsewhere for 2, which is what I plan on for several key reasons . I dont suppose you know how tedious it is to wade through 100 tuts to find a technique that is truly useful.

    On the same token some people do well with simpler ideas, and it seems to me that the peer group here is honest enough about noob tuts. Shouldnt take that so personally it helps you grow.

    Get some thicker skin :idea:

    People dont understand my art to the point it seems there is pathetic amounts of support considering how much more praise I give than get. :cry::roll: Gimme a break. If your peers criticise a tut you should listen, People only advise when they care consider yourself loved if you get criticism at all.

    That said there will always be an insecure jealous person slamming you when you actually do well. Its not snobbery, newbie; its helpful advice. :D

    I am the least praised good artist here, boo hoo :lol: I take that to mean I am getting really good and it puts people off.

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