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Everything posted by Wither

  1. BuzzKill covered something like this a long time ago. viewtopic.php?f=15&t=3305 Though now that we have the Shape3D plugin, that would probably be your best bet. Especially if you want it to spin. But yeah, all that stuff looks like it could be very doable in PdN.
  2. If you're referring to the lines in the first one, you can easily make them by changing the fill style. (It's right by the 'Brush Width' dropdown box.) I don't know if a tutorial would be necessary, but all your stuff is looking good Fire_Ants. ---
  3. Once you have it installed you can delete the copy of it in your Documents. Only the one in your Fonts folder matters.
  4. That's really neat. It convexes nicely and generally looks well done. ... Of course that's not out of the ordinary for you, but it's still worth mentioning. I just wish it were bigger. >_>
  5. Check this out. viewtopic.php?f=15&t=6440 In a nutshell, save your image as a .jpg, .gif, or .png and try attaching it again.
  6. I know that Paint.NET can't do this. You can open animated gifs in it, but it will just show the first frame. Sadly, I don't know of any software that breaks apart the frames for individual editing.
  7. I'm curious how you did that. The detail in the hardware is stunning. The color and texture is a little ... meh, but the general shape is quite good.
  8. For the mailbox's shadow I used the Shadow plugin. viewtopic.php?f=16&t=2227 For the general shading on the grass, I duplicated the cloud layer, brought it up to the top and turned it black. Then played with the opacity until it looked right.
  9. The Conditional Hue/Saturation plugin comes pretty close. viewtopic.php?f=16&t=1102
  10. In the bottom right corner, you'll see a "Layers" window. There's a New Layer button (or Keyboard shortcut: Ctrl + Shift + N). Creating a new layer is just like laying a transparent slide over the layer under it. These are all drawn on different layers. Those same layers, only I've changed the angle. (And added the 3D walls myself) Is that descriptive enough?
  11. It's a little busy, yeah. And the ships are at weird angles, but there's really no helping that. Looks good. --- @ Bugster - I decided to make a (quick) mailbox :wink:
  12. It's looking good. Real mailboxes are typically taller and thinner. Also, try putting the other four sides to the post to give it depth. Try giving the post a wood pattern too. Good luck with it.
  13. I know that, but even still. The blending options are the only reason I'm not switching over to the open-source type products. I don't have enough money to afford such a thing. The last time I used Photoshop, it was pirated. If there was blending options in other programs, I wouldn't have to pirate. [emphasis mine] The pirated Photoshop isn't what I really care about... but if you haven't switched to open-source products like Paint.NET and aren't using Photoshop now... ...? --- Anyway, moving on. Most of those effects can be faked if you use different layers and such. Yes, it's an annoying workaround, but it's better than not having it at all, right? I do agree with you though, the blending options would be very useful. Until the day comes that we have such functionality, we'll just have to be extra-creative and find a way to get the same effect, even if it takes more time.
  14. @ Bugster - Is this what you're trying to do? Because right now I just see the 640x480 full size and it links to the imageshack home page. [url=http://img140.imageshack.us/img140/1093/tryingoy3.png][img=http://img140.imageshack.us/img140/1093/tryingoy3.th.png][/url] Notice the .th in the image's URL there.
  15. @ Expiration - That is very impressive. The shading and everything comes together very nicely. The ribbon needs a little work (mostly it looks too loose), but I'm really liking where it's headed so far. (Try adding 'stress' on the corners to make it look tighter. A few lines inside the ribbon should do it.) @ Bugster - I agree with Sozo. The blue is just too vibrant, and it throws the entire effect off. The polaroid frame and everything else looks fine though. @ Andypandy/wardeche - To me, it looks like a fractal with heavy saturation. A gradient on the text (with a glow behind it). The cross shaped underline could be done with some blurs and a few glows too. At least that's how I see it. I may be wrong.
  16. That's really impressive. All the details in the lights and everything. Neat. --- Another Ps <--> PdN conversion. The pattern is a little off, but I like the general idea. Which, aside from the drawing the frames, was really quite easy to do. :wink:
  17. If I understand what you're saying correctly, make the outline on a new layer and select everything on that layer. Then go to the layer with whatever it is you'd like to remove. And Feather is a plugin. It's sticky'd in the Plugins forum.
  18. I stumbled upon a Photoshop tutorial about drawing a spark in someone's hands. I tried to recreate the effect in PdN... it's a little iffy. Edit: For the sake of not-double posting. I'm thinking of using this for a new signature. It's a little goofy... but I think it could work. Larger version I've also got a 'david.atwell'* signature planned for when I get my camera back this weekend. For random trivia, I live right off of I-820. That's why it's special enough to be in my signature. :wink: *Meaning it will have a photo of myself in it
  19. I always wondered how you go the flames to 'shrink' towards the center.
  20. I like that one with the stream. Where are you getting all these? (The stock pics I mean.)
  21. Yet another thing I'd also enjoy. It would be so useful. Good luck with figuring out how to do it for us. :wink:
  22. @ someone2016 - That's pretty sweet. Droste effect? That first spiral is a little jaggy though. >_>
  23. You can copy the selection over andd manually change the DPI back to 300 again. I'm 99% sure that it won't affect the picture negatively at all. (Though I don't have a scanner to test it myself. It hasn't changed anything on my pictures though, and it should be the same principle.)
  24. Looked like it. It's a nice dolphin, and it has inspired me to attempt one at Shape3D... Which seems to be the only thing I can get inspired to do lately.
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