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Everything posted by Helio

  1. It's a photo of some woods! I like how you added simulated tears to it. Good job!
  2. ^Now that has really great potential, not to mention how cool those themselves look too!
  3. How come I never noticed this... ? It all sounds very interesting!
  4. Submission is extended to tomorrow midnight because of the forum acting up!
  5. Stephan, with points, you ehm... win. Edit: Oh I get it! Then you're thinking 'What is voting for??'... If you take a closer look you'll see that each vote you get is worth 1 point. At the end, whoever has the most points is the new super-ultra-champion.
  6. Okay... You know, I didn't quite give you two weeks to create, so we will make the deadline Friday, the 26th.
  7. That means midnight eastern time! The deadline has been extended to Wednesday, the 24th, due to a lack of submissions!
  8. Cool! You know, that is similar to something I plan on doing soon... slightly. Great minds think alike!
  9. You may post just one image. Just specify if you made the icons or not. viewtopic.php?f=12&t=5012 That's why.
  10. If you use stock in making something, then you will get points. Sorry, you will not get points for exclusively blender-made icons. This is a Paint.NET competition. The main reason I added the 'Stock=No Points' rule was so that someone wouldn't just use icons from an icon pack and claim the points. @Hellfire: Thank you so much for starting this competition out correctly!! *applauds*
  11. As a celebration of my 1000 posts and 1000 views on deviantART, here is what you might call a 'Special Edition' of my previous work, Twilight Glory. Enjoy! I have now entered the quadruple-digit club.
  12. It's been a while since I've seen anyone do that tutorial! (TheVoid: I sent you a private message)
  13. http://www.freewebs.com/cmdsketchpad/dropshadow.htm That might help. A little outdated, but still useful.
  14. That's the full menu (yes, when you click on it). The wallpaper will most likely be stock. Some people might make their own, but personally, I'm using stock.
  15. @TheVoid: You can count me in! You seem to be gifted with naturally good design tastes. @Madjik: Incredibly photo-realistic! Wonderful! @Atwell (At-Atwell? ): That is really neat! Nicely executed!
  16. Thank you sir! BoltBait- Fastest thread stickier of the west. 8)
  17. MSC #5 - Operating System Now open for submission! Egad! You stickied it before I even refreshed the page! :shock:
  18. Monthly Skinning Competition #5 Voting is now over, and the winners are.... Champion: jerkfight Runner up: Blooper Honorable mentions: Vlad Vampire, Stephan, and verndewd all tied for third! Congratulations, everyone! And thank you for entering, or voting! ---------- Voting now in progress! The points that each individual will get automatically are: Hellfire010 - 15pts Vlad Vampire - 20pts jerkfight - 25pts Blooper - 20pts ncfan51 - 11pts satlantis - 16pts Stephan - 15pts verndewd - 15pts Voting is until Monday, November 5th. Send your vote to Helio! ---------- Greetings everyone! This month's project is to skin an existing operating system, or to create your own. As an example, here is a screenshot of Microsoft Windows XP service pack 2: (Link) Since Operating Systems are a very broad field (and especially since you may create your own), this competition will be slightly different. A scoring system is going to be used in addition to voting. The list below shows what points you will get for creating OS objects. You will NOT get points for them if they were not created by you (stock imagery). [*:68ed7]A taskbar (or its equivalent) = +2pts - [*:68ed7]Each window that you make = +2pts - [*:68ed7]One icon - +1pt [*:68ed7]Two icons - +3pts [*:68ed7]Five or more icons = +7pts - [*:68ed7]A Start menu (or its equivalent) = +3pts - [*:68ed7]Custom wallpaper = +2pts - [*:68ed7]At voting time, each vote you get will be worth +1pt You have until 12:00am Friday, the 26th to submit your entry! Rules specific to this comp. [*:68ed7]You do not have to create the icons. If you use existing icons, list them as stock images. Note that you will not get the points listed above. [*:68ed7]You will only get extra points for multiple windows or icons if they are not duplicates. General rules There are very few, but here they are: [*:68ed7]Do not just color/recolor. That requires no skill whatsoever. [*:68ed7]You must have a link to all source images used in your submission. If you fail to by the end of submission time, your creation will be disqualified. [*:68ed7]Once you have submitted your entry, you may no longer add anything/edit your post, excepting links to source images. [*:68ed7]This post is for submissions only. If you would like to talk about the competition or a submission, do it here [*:68ed7]Be courteous and kind [*:68ed7]Have fun! That's it! Good luck, and may the best PDN-er win!
  19. You may use other programs, but all things created externally count as stock imagery. The more stock you use, the less you make in Paint.NET, the less esteem you will get for your creation.
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