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Posts posted by Hellfire010

  1. Suggestions:

    1. Add Menus in Effects Tab

    -I am not sure if you can already do this, but for effects, you can make subfolders in the effects tab (well, some effects already are classified into sub folders) by making folders in the effects folder of the Paint.NET folder in the Programs area of your computer which you can drag and drop the effects into.

    2. Add Gradient effect for text

    -This is something I am assuming photoshop or paintshop has. It makes logo making easier.

    3. Adding 3-D text

    -Kinda like Microsoft word, but with more precise positioning and lighting.

    4. Line/Circle/Square/ETC. Gradients

    -Read #2.

    Effect Requests:

    1. Lighting

    -If there is already a plugin like this, tell me. It lets you add light to something from a certain point.

    I will add more.

    1. Use search option on this forum.

    2. Quite easy. Simply select the text area, then use the gradient tool. Only the selected area will be effected.

    3. I haven't tried this with the Shape 3D plugin, but it may be possible. There are several ways to obtain this sort of effect, though. Might just take some time. I wouldn't mind seeing this incorperated myself.

    4. These are already included with the gradient tool. When the tool is selected, some options will appear toward the top of the window.

  2. NOTE: This post is based on how I think this whole thing works, and it is more than possible that I am way off but whatever, it should hold some relavence either way.

    I was wondering what the blur rate was for most common blurs (gaussian, feather, etc.).

    My example assumes you're blending a solid area with a transparent area. However, it would obviously be the same for, say, blue blending into red. I just didn't feel like going through all the different R G and B stuff... cause I really dunno what I'm talking about. o.O


    An = Current Pixel Alpha

    An-1 = Previous Pixel Alpha

    x = Blur rate depending on distance, and stuff...

    Is it simply:

    An = An-1 - x

    Or does it work on a slightly more complicated formula?

    Basically, I'm wondering if it is linear or exponential. If it is only linear, could it be done exponentially? And would that have any realistic use?

  3. This post refers to the Conditional Hue/Saturation plugin. Please be familiar with this plugin before replying, thank you.

    I need the plugin to do what it does, but through a different way. Here's my example.

    In this image, i wanted the blue armor (legs) to match the red armor (boots). However this is the best I could do using this plugin.

    example1.png -> example2.png

    I was wondering if someone could make it possible to do the following:

    Effecting the primary color and any pixels that fall into its tolerance range to change hue and saturation in the same way so that the primary color changes to the secondary color. For example,

    example1.png -- example3.png

    You choose the primary and secondary colors as shown in that picture. Then, when using this effect, the 3C4250 would change to 5B1109. Also, colors within the tolerance (that would be all of the blue) would change to colors close to the red.

    I had a hard time putting what I mean into words, so I hope you get what I mean. >_>

    Thanks for the help ahead of time. ^^

    PS: This forum does not always work for me so if I do not reply it is because I can't. :\

  4. Just because you've been on these forums longer than most of us, doesn't mean you can go above the limit. Do I see another height petition in order?

    Is it? My bad, didn't realize it was too tall. I'll take it off, but I'm not resizing it. No way I can chop off 70 px...

    Still up there ^ for display though. :)

    Oh, and i assure you I didn't use that sig because I feel superior to anyone in anyway. Especially not for how long I've been a member of this forum. In fact, I couldn't even access this forum for several months because of... something (glitch maybe?). But now I'm back, and woohoo!

  5. I would use radial gradients, glows, and a series of motion blurs on small pixels. Then, just circles with gaussian blurs for the basic circles. Also, try experimenting with layer blending modes. It'll be hard to position them right if you don't have an artist's eye. Goodluck, though. :)

    It'll take a long time to do, however.

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